My name is Carney, a ridiculous name for a person in my opinion. I am a man of many a tale. I have some awesome brain tweaks that make my life very interesting. If you are tuning in to my world for the first time you will realize my love for Doctor Who, Venture Bros., Metal, and anime (derp). But I enjoy mostly old anime, but time and again I'll find something very interesting that's new.

[Still working on awesome banner to insert here]

These are the different sides of me:
1. I am a hockey goalie. I live, breathe, and sleep hockey.

2. I am currently employed by Lego and have a NonDisclosure Agreement with them.

3. I enjoy cos-ing and would always love to do more so of it.

4. Hardcore gamer. Love games, but low cash flow.

5. A damn good looking dude. Maybe. Probably.

Day Off

So My last post I explained that I had two jobs now... That wasn't exactly true. Then I had 3 jobs, I forgot about doing my Lego stuff. So now, I have 4 jobs. Two pretty much full time. and the other 2 in my spare time.

To explain I was recently employed this weekend to help a person edit their videos. They had seen me on youtube (luckily my more recent stuff) and liked my style. So now, I have to edit my videos, which isn't bad because I try to do everything in one take, and their videos. Which judging by the work I did yesterday is going to be tough. They said not to worry and just take my time with it. So My life is officially full. Geez...

Which brings me to todays topic. Today is the second of my only two days I have off, like serious off. So I took advantage to the fullest of this. And this is what I realized. (already had posted on facebook)

1. I was way too productive.
-Wrote 9 pages of scripts
-Filmed 3 videos
-Worked on Super Secret project
-Finished Canti wings
-Figured out how to make a LED halo for Canti

2. Since its the start of a new time in peoples lives (aka School starting) I'm going to do another 30 day photo challenge

3. I love wearing a suit. If somebody were to tell me to suit up, I totally would.

So here's to the end of me. CHEERS!

Boring Life is Boring....

Let's just get this out of the way..... HOLY CRAP! CARNEY'S ACTUALLY TYPING? Yes yes I am. I need a camera break. Also I just got back from work so I look all, well... You get the picture.

So the real reason for the post. So after most my friends are going back to school and everyone at my work going back to school. It kinda feels odd not going to school for once. Oh by the way, I'm not going back to school for a semester do to mass stress and unbearable anxiety and some other mental things. Okay so that feeling I'm feeling. Its odd, but relieving. But the downside is now I am working two jobs and pretty much racking up 30 hours a week of work. I have a lot of stuff I want to do; Like finish my Rickenbacker, build my brother a proton pack from Ghostbusters, fix Canti, And work on my ACen 2012 super secret cardboard cosplay. I thought not going to school would give me bundles of time. I was wrong. Really wrong. I have time after work on somedays, but do I really want to do more work?! Nope too tired. And on top of everything I still want to do videos! But too TIRED!!! GRRRR Damn the real world!

But thats just me. Hows everyone else doing?

And Not A Single F%$# Was Given

This past weekend was, yes, another con! Anime Iowa!!! It seems like I've been going to a lot lately, but its fun. I mean isn't that why we all do them. Grant-it it wasn't the best con I went to, but still enjoyable. I once again went with Ryu, bu...

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No more birthday parties for me...

Ughghghghgh So I was going to do a post about my Birthday shenanigans right after my birthday, but I realized that there were going to be far more shenanigans after my birthday. So within a span of 5 day its my birthday, my moms birthday and the 4...

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Yep. Hockey.

So their is a bright light beyond my ribs. Usually I would be going to hockey practice tonight, but thanks to my ribs I can't play for a while. So what does this mean??? I got to stay home and watch my Tim Thomas kick ass. Now being from Chicago I am a full on Blackhawks fan. So naturally I hate the Canucks, but their is another side to it. My entire family is from Boston. Sooo I just had to root for Boston. Also another note. I had been following Tim Thomas's career for ages. He's the reason I play in the style I do. So No sympathy for Vancouver on my end. I do feel bad for the announcer though, who got booed like crazy. lol

And I would like to note, You talk shit about someone when you have no right, nothing good is going to happen.

Congrats to both teams for making it very enjoyable to watch and special congrats to Tim Thomas for MVP. Goalies don't win that often.