Damn Treckies!!!

"Jesus Huch. Haven't you heard of a little variety!"
"RUSH is variety!"

Have you ever been walking down the street and looked at someone and been like, "Damn, I bet they're Treckies." I feel as though Treckies are easy to spot out. I, at many times, have been accurate in my spottings and gotten into some shit with said Treckies. I love being a Star Wars Nerd.

This was brought up because I played some hockey today and made a remark to my friend that Patrick Stewart tends to play gay people. Then someone else in the locker room said, "No! Cpt. Picard wasn't gay!" Then I responded that Picard was gay. Very childish, I know. But the kid shut up and went onto the ice. It got funny when the kid got on a breakaway on me. As he came down, I shouted, "Picard is a Bitch!" The kid stopped mid breakaway and challenged me to a fight. And it makes me proud to say I got into a fight because I called Picard a bitch.

I think I might have taken it too far buuuut... So now I watch Fanboys and think about how awesome my movie will be if I ever effing film it! Check it out!!!
