My name is Carney, a ridiculous name for a person in my opinion. I am a man of many a tale. I have some awesome brain tweaks that make my life very interesting. If you are tuning in to my world for the first time you will realize my love for Doctor Who, Venture Bros., Metal, and anime (derp). But I enjoy mostly old anime, but time and again I'll find something very interesting that's new.

[Still working on awesome banner to insert here]

These are the different sides of me:
1. I am a hockey goalie. I live, breathe, and sleep hockey.

2. I am currently employed by Lego and have a NonDisclosure Agreement with them.

3. I enjoy cos-ing and would always love to do more so of it.

4. Hardcore gamer. Love games, but low cash flow.

5. A damn good looking dude. Maybe. Probably.

Damn Treckies!!!

"Jesus Huch. Haven't you heard of a little variety!"
"RUSH is variety!"

Have you ever been walking down the street and looked at someone and been like, "Damn, I bet they're Treckies." I feel as though Treckies are easy to spot out. I, at many times, have been accurate in my spottings and gotten into some shit with said Treckies. I love being a Star Wars Nerd.

This was brought up because I played some hockey today and made a remark to my friend that Patrick Stewart tends to play gay people. Then someone else in the locker room said, "No! Cpt. Picard wasn't gay!" Then I responded that Picard was gay. Very childish, I know. But the kid shut up and went onto the ice. It got funny when the kid got on a breakaway on me. As he came down, I shouted, "Picard is a Bitch!" The kid stopped mid breakaway and challenged me to a fight. And it makes me proud to say I got into a fight because I called Picard a bitch.

I think I might have taken it too far buuuut... So now I watch Fanboys and think about how awesome my movie will be if I ever effing film it! Check it out!!!
