Heyo all!
As people have started to post their art, I will be updating the list of the participants on my side :)
NOTE: If you received your gift from your Santa, but don't see it below, please leave a comment so I can keep better track :) For those who have not yet received a gift yet, please don't worry, we're working our best to sort it all out :D Happy New Years Everyone!!
It will go as: {Secret Santa} --> {Receiver} = {Gift}
Names will be added as Santa's post their art! :)
{MangaKid} --> {Superstarpanou} = {Gift}
{MashMadness} --> {Yummy Sukia} = {Gift_01} + {Gift_02...pending}
{Kohakuma} --> {fluffy sama san} = {Gift}
{Neilly} --> {Felcie} = {Gift}
{Fluffy sama fan} --> {Evalinna} = {Gift}
{Hifsa} --> {Mootouman} = {Gift}
{Tauria} --> {Katherine Talbot} = {Gift}
{Black Crow} --> {thelostsindar} = {Gift}
{Mootouman} --> {hackerblackrose} = {Gift}
{theLostsindar} --> {Sena Harulumin} = {Gift}
{Artgrrl} --> {cougarsama} = {Gift}
{Evalinna} -->
{Stocking} --> {Mangaandanimelove} = {Gift}
{Mangaandanimelove} --> {nikkeh09} = {Gift}
{Infinatelove42} --> {harvestmoonluvr} = {Gift}
{HotRamen2go009} --> {MashMadness} = {Gift}
{Pandaman08} --> {Moonlit dream} = {Gift}
{Aryia} -->
{Buffy23} --> {DemonsandAngels} = {Gift}
{OoAnBuOo} --> {Dragonflyte} = {Gift}
{TAKEO1991} -->
{Hackerblackrose} --> {Sane Restriction} = {Gift}
{KyraChan} --> {Chibi-Anna-Chan} = {Gift}
{Superstarpanou} --> {Pandaman08} = {Gift}
{CelestialSushi} --> {HotRamen2Go009} = {Gift}
{Yuko9kost} --> {PerfectlyDamned} = {Gift}
{Yummy Suika} --> {kohakuma} = {Gift}
{Fullmetalfan28} -->
{Torao} --> {Ellenor Mererid} = {Gift}
{Lindtey99} --> {Black Crow} = {Gift}
{Fire.freak} --> {XXXYuiLieaxxx} = {Gift}
{XXXYuiLieaxxx} --> {deidara310} ={Gift}
{Kbreeze12} -->
{Lorrainiaful} -->
{Keya} --> {Toyotami Kun} = {Gift}
{21Emmz12} --> {Kyrachan} = {Gift}
{Yours Truly} --> {...Pending}
Hello guys!
It's that time of year again...well almost. Just to give a heads up that Mangakid and I are hosting this years Secret Santa Fan Art Event!!
It's pretty much the same as last year. Please comment if you'd like to join as the event is now open for participants. Any medium of art is fine! Just please make sure it's original and your own work! It would be a shame to have it removed because it's a copy of someone else's work. :)
Rules will be posted shortly.
Have questions? Comments? Feel free to PM either of us or leave a comment below! We look forward for this exciting event!