Itachisasuke's SS Group

Heyo all!

As people have started to post their art, I will be updating the list of the participants on my side :)

NOTE: If you received your gift from your Santa, but don't see it below, please leave a comment so I can keep better track :) For those who have not yet received a gift yet, please don't worry, we're working our best to sort it all out :D Happy New Years Everyone!!

It will go as: {Secret Santa} --> {Receiver} = {Gift}
Names will be added as Santa's post their art! :)

{MangaKid} --> {Superstarpanou} = {Gift}
{MashMadness} --> {Yummy Sukia} = {Gift_01} + {Gift_02...pending}
{Kohakuma} --> {fluffy sama san} = {Gift}
{Neilly} --> {Felcie} = {Gift}
{Fluffy sama fan} --> {Evalinna} = {Gift}
{Hifsa} --> {Mootouman} = {Gift}
{Tauria} --> {Katherine Talbot} = {Gift}
{Black Crow} --> {thelostsindar} = {Gift}
{Mootouman} --> {hackerblackrose} = {Gift}
{theLostsindar} --> {Sena Harulumin} = {Gift}
{Artgrrl} --> {cougarsama} = {Gift}
{Evalinna} -->
{Stocking} --> {Mangaandanimelove} = {Gift}
{Mangaandanimelove} --> {nikkeh09} = {Gift}
{Infinatelove42} --> {harvestmoonluvr} = {Gift}
{HotRamen2go009} --> {MashMadness} = {Gift}
{Pandaman08} --> {Moonlit dream} = {Gift}
{Aryia} -->
{Buffy23} --> {DemonsandAngels} = {Gift}
{OoAnBuOo} --> {Dragonflyte} = {Gift}
{TAKEO1991} -->
{Hackerblackrose} --> {Sane Restriction} = {Gift}
{KyraChan} --> {Chibi-Anna-Chan} = {Gift}
{Superstarpanou} --> {Pandaman08} = {Gift}
{CelestialSushi} --> {HotRamen2Go009} = {Gift}
{Yuko9kost} --> {PerfectlyDamned} = {Gift}
{Yummy Suika} --> {kohakuma} = {Gift}
{Fullmetalfan28} -->
{Torao} --> {Ellenor Mererid} = {Gift}
{Lindtey99} --> {Black Crow} = {Gift}
{Fire.freak} --> {XXXYuiLieaxxx} = {Gift}
{XXXYuiLieaxxx} --> {deidara310} ={Gift}
{Kbreeze12} -->
{Lorrainiaful} -->
{Keya} --> {Toyotami Kun} = {Gift}
{21Emmz12} --> {Kyrachan} = {Gift}
{Yours Truly} --> {...Pending}
