Hey Shia-chan!! Sorry for the late response, I've been out of town for the past few days and without a computer >.<
Things are still kind of being sorted out as some people haven't posted-- I'm one of those people, but I've notified my person about their gift. Since it's the middle of the semester, it's understandable that people will be late, so we're probably just going to be patient about the remaining gifts maybe for another couple of days or so before we seriously start asking for subs. Sorry for all of the trouble!! T__T It's really hard working everything out in the middle of the school year, so we're doing our best!
Last edited by aragorn1014 at 11:08:07 PM EST on March 5, 2013.
I just wanted to let you and Sayura know that I'll probably be posting my gift tomorrow u//v//u I've been planning on having finished weeks ago, but life kept getting in the way. Regardless, I have the piece sketched and lined and I'll definitely finish coloring it tomorrow <3 I hope that's alright!
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/09/13 | Reply
Oh no worries : ) its all good! I just wanted to know LOL
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/05/13 | Reply
Hey Shia-chan!! Sorry for the late response, I've been out of town for the past few days and without a computer >.<
Things are still kind of being sorted out as some people haven't posted-- I'm one of those people, but I've notified my person about their gift. Since it's the middle of the semester, it's understandable that people will be late, so we're probably just going to be patient about the remaining gifts maybe for another couple of days or so before we seriously start asking for subs. Sorry for all of the trouble!! T__T It's really hard working everything out in the middle of the school year, so we're doing our best!
Last edited by aragorn1014 at 11:08:07 PM EST on March 5, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/03/13 | Reply
Hi, just wondering, is there a new deadline or what will be going on?
Daydreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/28/13 | Reply
I just wanted to let you and Sayura know that I'll probably be posting my gift tomorrow u//v//u I've been planning on having finished weeks ago, but life kept getting in the way. Regardless, I have the piece sketched and lined and I'll definitely finish coloring it tomorrow <3 I hope that's alright!