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Well...it would seem you have invaded my part of Las Nochas...oh well. As long as you don't mess anything up...or wake me up...speaking of which...*yawns*...I'm going back to sleep.


Metal Worm

*Lilynette starts reading the second riddle out loud*

I saw a strange creature:
Long, hard, and straight,
Thrusting into a round, dark opening,
Preparing to discharge its load of lives.
Puffing and squealing noises accompanied it,
Then a final screech as it slowed and stopped.
Say what I mean.

“What could that possibly be Starrk? Starrk? Damn it Starrk wake up!” Screamed Lilynette as she threw the dictionary towards the bed of pillows.
“Wait…where did you go Starrk?” Lilynette questioned as she looked around the room.

*Outside Las Noches*

Geez…I hate having to do these stupid riddles. *sigh*…what could the answer be to that blasted riddle…a strange creature…the only things that could possibly fit that description would have to exist in the human world…mainly because I believe riddles come from that realm anyway. *yawns and opens a Garganta to the human realm*

*Steps out of the Garganta*

This is so unnecessary…why do I have to come to the human realm to find the answer to the riddle? *sigh* I wonder what the answer to that riddle could be…*yawns*…might as well start looking around.

*starts appearing and disappearing around the world*

I wish this would hurry up and end I want to take my nap. *stops over a mountain* This is so stupid…*hears a muffled horn* Hmm? *looks down and sees a mechanical worm flying out of the side of the mountain.* Hmm…that seems to have most of the characteristics of the item in question.

*disappears from above the mountain and appears on top of the metal worm.*

Alright…let’s see if I can find something to answer the blasted riddle. *starts walking up the worm and notice the sound of muffled talking* Hmm…seems that humans are inside of this thing, I wonder if they can name this thing. *walks off the ledge and lands right in front of one of the doors and walks inside.* You…human, what is the name of this metal worm.

“Are you stupid or something? It’s not a metal worm it’s a damn train.” Mocked one of the passengers.

A train huh? Well that works for me…now to find my sword. *starts to form a cero*

"Wait a second man...there's no need for you to go all crazy on us." stated a passenger with worry in his voice.

But there is a need, I need my sword and this is the fastest way to get to it.

"A sword?! Here I found this sword in the restroom an hour again, figured someone forgot it there...here you can have it as long as you don't kill us!" Screamed another passenger.

Los Lobos, its great to have it back within my possession...*yawns*...now it's time for a nap.

It's Elementary...

“Damn it Starrk! Why can’t you take this riddle thing serious? I mean without your sword you and I are not at our strongest, and Lord Aizen might get rid of us!” Screamed Lilynette.
*yawns*…you worry too much Lilynette. Lord Aizen would never get rid of me…you possibly, but not me. Besides I already know the answer to the riddle.
“What!? You know the answer and yet you haven’t even mentioned it to me? And you haven’t even attempted to find the next riddle? Wait…what was the riddle anyways?” Lilynette questioned.
*sigh*…you’re becoming annoying Lilynette…the riddle was …
Nothing is in it
But something is in it
Nobody is in it
But somebody is in it
If you have it
You and I are in it
What is it?
“Oh…I do suppose that is an easy one. The answer is Love…wait no…its friendship…wait…no its ahh…ahh…dang it Starrk my head is hurting. Tell me the answer already!” Screamed Lilynette holding her head with both hands.
*yawns*…you are over thinking it Lilynette. *throws a dictionary at Lilynette’s feet.*
“Why did you throw this book at me?” Questioned Lilynette.
I threw it at you because that is the answer. If you go ahead and open it to page…you know what I don’t really remember…or care. But if you open it to the page that has something in it you’ll find the next riddle.
“Wait…how did you know that this was the answer to your riddle even though it could have had multiple answers?” Questioned Lilynette.
Simple my dear Lilynette, the answer was quite elementary. *grabs pipe and starts to blow bubbles* There was a book in my room…that had to be the answer to the riddle.
*Lilynette has the look of pure shock*………*facepalm*


"Wake up you lazy fool!" Screamed Lilynette as she punched me in the face.

What is going on Lilynette?

"Are you serious? You haven't even noticed that your sword is missing? " Lilynette said with confusion.

Huh...would you look at that...*yawns*...damn thief touched my bed...

Mission Thief

*yawns*…why do I get these stupid missions? *sighs*…oh well better get it done before they take my sleeping rights away.

*Three weeks Later*

“Damn it Starrk, Wake up!” Screamed Lilynette as she punched Starrk in the crouch* What the hell was that for Lilynette? I was in the middle of a good nap…*yawns*…geez…its going to take me minutes to get back to a sleep like that.
“Are you stupid Starrk? Did you already forget that you were given a mission by Lord Aizen to go and find a thief? “Complained Lilynette. Oh right…was that suppose to be done now? *yawns* I suppose I could at least take a look around for anything out of the normal…but I do hate plans like this…*sigh* Oh well it can’t be helped…
“Damn Right it can’t be helped! You stupid idiot, now hurry up so we don’t get in any trouble.” Shouted Lilynette.


You push open a door marked “Primera” as the door opens it releases a loud creaking sound. As you past through the passageway you run into spider webs, the smell of years worth of dust finds its way into your nose. As you continue walking down the corridor you start to hear a slight rumbling sound coming from the other side of the passageway. As you make your way further into the darkness the sound gets louder and louder. You see a faint flickering light at the far end of the corridor, you walk towards that light to only find out it is a small candle on a simple wooden stand next to a giant pile of pillows. You stand motionless as you peer into the dark room seeing no signs of life, your eyes continue to onto lock onto the candle. Your eyes fixated on the flames movement as it dances upon the pale white candle. For an unknown reason you glance towards the ceiling, only to notice that you’re looking into a realistic night sky scene. The stars flicker and oddly enough a few clouds trail across the sky. While starring into the night sky a sudden loud rumble catches you off guard making you fall to the floor. You feel you’re heart racing in your chest, all of a sudden you heard a familiar sounding noise…