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Well...it would seem you have invaded my part of Las Nochas...oh well. As long as you don't mess anything up...or wake me up...speaking of which...*yawns*...I'm going back to sleep.



You push open a door marked “Primera” as the door opens it releases a loud creaking sound. As you past through the passageway you run into spider webs, the smell of years worth of dust finds its way into your nose. As you continue walking down the corridor you start to hear a slight rumbling sound coming from the other side of the passageway. As you make your way further into the darkness the sound gets louder and louder. You see a faint flickering light at the far end of the corridor, you walk towards that light to only find out it is a small candle on a simple wooden stand next to a giant pile of pillows. You stand motionless as you peer into the dark room seeing no signs of life, your eyes continue to onto lock onto the candle. Your eyes fixated on the flames movement as it dances upon the pale white candle. For an unknown reason you glance towards the ceiling, only to notice that you’re looking into a realistic night sky scene. The stars flicker and oddly enough a few clouds trail across the sky. While starring into the night sky a sudden loud rumble catches you off guard making you fall to the floor. You feel you’re heart racing in your chest, all of a sudden you heard a familiar sounding noise…
