This world is were I will post things that are going on in my life, my thoughts, any ideas I have, or any funny and inturesting videos I find plus my own characters, sketches and such. Have fun with it! now watch my awsome star power!!!!!

Hello!!!! :)

So, that post I said where I was going to post all of the pictures that I drew, well I didn't finish doing that and I can't for a whole week after this, I got kicked off of the computer that day and I gotta go to my moms to do some things with her. So In the mean time, I'll be drawing more and pilling up on the stuff I gotta post.

Derp'n life

I feel like crap -_-
My dads being all pissy about my grades(he he only one c).
Oh! I drew some yaoi lol. I was going to post it up but I then couldn't because my mom wouldn't let me use the scanner.....hmmm I haven't posted any drawings up in a long time and I have sooooooo many now it's almost scary >_<
Just felt like sharing and so as soon as I can use the scanner.....
THE YAOI SHAL GO UP! Lol (I'm so obsessed)

uuuuugggggg i feel like crap......
