Hello there! I'm stararnold, and welcome to Starship Fandoprise! This WORLD features a mix of features/news posts based on multiple topics regarding anything of pop culture (incl. animation/cartoons/anime, comics/manga, music, books, video games, live-action TV/Film, etc.), as well as webpolls/websurveys and brief posts about what goes on in my fanboy life. Hope you enjoy your visit!


About the WORLD's Host

Other WORLDS runned by the host (check 'em out for more content by this guy)
Leijiverse 999, DC and Marvel Assemble, Star Trek Nation

Known at DeviantART as



Where I live
LaSalle (Montreal), Quebec, Canada

Anime Fan Since
Early 1990s when I started watching The Transformers (1984), though that was before I learned that not all cartoons are American (However, while the classic Speed Racer series was the second anime I got into, you may consider this what made me the anime fan I'm today if you don't consider the original Trasnformers to be anime)

Member of theOtaku.com since

Medal for Meals-on-wheel's service, Medal for conflict manager team, Mabel Award at High School Graduation, Honouroll at college, received a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting and Drawing concentration) in University

Favorite Music Genres
Rap, Rock 'N Roll, Disco

News: Scream Awards 2011

On Oct. 18, U.S. T.V. network Spike TV will be airing the 2011 Scream Awards show at 9:00 PM eastern/8:00 PM central. The scream awards is an annual event honouring the best in several areas: sci-fi film/T.V., fantasy film/T.V., horror film/t.v., and comic books.

In the meantime, you can head over to the Scream Awards 2011 website at www.spike.com/events/scream-awards-2011/ to see what are the nomineees and cast your vote in each award category. I know I have already voted in all categories, even though my T.V. satelite has been without Spike TV for a few years.

12:55 AM Canada EST

News: Montreal ToyCon On Oct. 23, 2011

If you missed out the Montrela ToyCon in June, don't worry as another Montreal ToyCon event will be happening this year. This upcoming event wil be held on Oct. 23 and like the last one, it will take place at the Courtyard BY the Marriott Montreal Airport (7000 Place Robert-Joncas St-Laurent, QC H4M 2Z5) at 10am to 5pm. The ticket price is $5.00.

12:39 AM Canada EST

News: Davis Film's Golgo 13 Announced

Today, members of the film studio Davis Film, known for producing the 2002 British/German co-production film "Resident Evil", announced at the Toronto International Film Festival that their company had finally purchased a filmmaking license to th...

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stararnold's Fall 2011 Movies-To-Watch List

For years, going to the cinemas has always been one of my favorite pass time activities and for me, there's usually at least one movie I want to check out per month. Usually, I go for what movies have my favorite film genres.

Anyway, now is Septmeber, which means the start of the Fall movie season. After watching "The Electric Playground" and visiting IMDB, I compile here a list of movies I may want to check out during the Fall 2011 season.

  • "Apollo 18" (released today): using a-documentary-within-the-fictional-tale trend, this Sci-Fi thriller details the exploits of astronautts on a mission to reveal to the U.S. public the truth about America's refusal to send anyone on expeditions to the moon
  • "Real Steel" (to be released Oct. 7): a future-set Sci-Fi action film about humanoid robots taking part in boxing matches
  • "Puss In Boots" (to be released Nov. 4): a prequel to the "Shrek" films about the adventures of Shrek's feline ally

3:37 PM Canada EST

stararnold's Otakuthon 2011 Trip

During the time of August 12-14, 2011, I had attended the Otakuthon 2011 event at the Palais des Congres and since I have been going to Otakuthon since 2006 (when the convention came into establishment), this year marks my sixth year of going to O...

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