Hello there! I'm stararnold, and welcome to Star Trek Nation, a fansite-type WORLD dedicated to everything that has to do with one of the greatest and most popular franchises in the history of Science Fiction, Star Trek. Featuring Star Trek-related posts in various kinds, such as essays, news and updates, episode/movie reviews, fan fiction, informational guides (such as character bios, starship/tech info, race info, etc.), top lists, etc. Hope you enjoy your visit! As for posts, Make sure to click on the yellow highlighted texts in the posts to open up the linked pages.
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In the meantime, here are some awesome Star Trek weblinks you may want to visit:
Today, I present a another forum topic for the Star Trek-themed forum post series Starfleet Forumdock. In this topic, it's debate between two versions of the Constitution-Class starship U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 from separate realities within the Star Trek canon: the ST: TMP Enterprise (the Prime Reality's U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 as it appeared in 1979's Star Trek: The Motion Picture, 1982's Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, and 1984's Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) and the Abramsverse' Enterprise (the Enterprise introduced in 2009's Star Trek). As some of you may know, the 2009 movie Star Trek (which introduced the AbramsTrekverse) is indicated to split the official Star Trek Universe's timeline in two (consider the android Data's Quantum Reality discussion in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Parallels"), meaning that what goes on in one timeline will have no effect on the other. Now lets say the Abramsverse Enterprise was to travel to the Prime Reality or that the TMP Enterprise Enterprise was to enter the Abramsverse and both ships ended up competing against each other, here are some things to think about:
-Which ship's would prove to be stronger in tactical combat?
-Which ship could travel faster during warp speed?
-Which ship's crew would prove to be the mentally stronger when handling problematic situations during missions on a planet, including how to handle the situations in ways to reduce the risk of not only losing crewmembers in the process, but also violating Starfleet's Prime Directive?
5:17 PM Canada EST
Today on Starfleet Forumdock, the topic is all about Star Trek Into Darkness, the second film in J.J. Abrams' theatrical Star Trek film series. Yes, you're invited to share your thoughts about the movie itself, that is if you have seen the movie yet. I happened to enjoy the film when seeing it on 5/19/2013, despite a few unexpected parts, and felt it took things up the notch for the film series itself. Anyway, here are some questions you may want to think about as you take part in the forum discussion: What did you like about the film? What you hate about it (if there are any aspects you dislike)? Would you say it brought further advancement to J.J. Abrams' revamp of Star Trek, or would you say it brought ruin? What are your thoughts about John Harrison as a villain? What are your thoughts about the character development of James T. Kirk and his crew within the film? Is it among the best Star Trek movies you have seen so far (if you have seen any of the previous 11 so far of course)?
Remember, since the movie is in being shown in theatres, please make sure to use the spoiler function to hide any spoiler details of the movie mentioned in your commentary from online public viewing so as to not spoil things up for those who have not yet seen the film but are still interested in watching.
8:09 PM Canada EST
Today's topic on Starfleet Forumdock is for all those gamer-types. I am sure at least some of you Trekkers reading this have taken the time to play the new video game Star Trek: The Video Game, where you play Captain James T. Kirk or his executive officer Spock while the game itself centers around the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701's mission to New Vulcan, with the Gorn as the villains. Anyway, I am open to hearing your comments about what the gameplay is like since I never played the video game myself. You can also talk about what you find to be the game's ups and downs, and whether you find this worth trying out, even in comparison/contrast to previous Star Trek video games.
8:01 PM Canada EST
Today, TrekMovie.com reveals a full shot of John Harrison's Dreadnought-Class starship, the antagonal starship from the upcoming movie Star Trek into Darkness. Plus, the same site reveals a name for this big tyrant: the "U.S.S. Vengeance". However, no mention of its Starfleet registry number, and it is hard to search around for it in the image because of the lack of lighting on the ship's hull, but an excellent shot of this badass-looking ship nevertheless. Does John Harrison have a chance to prove he can outrank the other Star Trek villains with this ship? Will the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 have met its match, even in terms of which Starfllet ship will prove superior in battle tactics and armor strength? Perhaps we won't know until te movie's out. Anyway, here's the image of the U.S.S. Vengeance below, and enjoy!
6:00 PM Canada EST
While browsing around for Star Trek-related content at StarTrek.com earlier this evening, I had found out that Star Trek: The Original Series had won the Fan Favorites Award for "Favorite Classic TV Show", based on votes from TV Guide Magazine readers. If you're curious about what this legendary 1966 show went up against during the Awrds event by TV Guide, the other nominees weren't mentioned, so just pick up a copy of the Fan Favorites Awards double issue of TV Guide Magazine.
Congrats to the original Star Trek series on its victory, and may its greatness live long and prosper.
11:40 PM Canada EST