Hello there! I'm stararnold, and welcome to Star Trek Nation, a fansite-type WORLD dedicated to everything that has to do with one of the greatest and most popular franchises in the history of Science Fiction, Star Trek. Featuring Star Trek-related posts in various kinds, such as essays, news and updates, episode/movie reviews, fan fiction, informational guides (such as character bios, starship/tech info, race info, etc.), top lists, etc. Hope you enjoy your visit! As for posts, Make sure to click on the yellow highlighted texts in the posts to open up the linked pages.
P.S. If you wish to submitt your own posts on a topic that fits into the theme of this site, please PM me first, and I'll add you to the "guest posters" list, then I'll PM you back an O.K. to add your posts to this WORLD.
In the meantime, here are some awesome Star Trek weblinks you may want to visit:
Check out this epic new U.S. trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness, which I found at YouTube today. And keep watch for villain John Harrison's monsterous starship. It resembles the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 in exterior shape, but it looks darker and larger, and watching it fight the Enterprise may well be an homage to the battle scene of Yamato Vs. Zwordar's Super-Sized Battleship in the final episode of Sapce Battleship Yamato 2, that is if any of the filmmakers is a fan of the "Star Blazers" dubs, otherwise the similarity between shots is just coincidence. Well, enjoy.
For today's topic on Starfleet Forumdock, I am curious about what are your predictions about the plot for the upcoming Star Trek movie Star Trek Into Darkness, that is after hearing about the movie's premise and seeing the trailers. Don't worry if your predictions contradict others' views as they don't need to be right or wrong since the movie itself is not officialy out yet; they're just guesses, not a means to give away spoilers. If you want, you can talk about what predictions that came in mind about the coming film based on your reading of the film's 4-issue prelude comic book miniseries Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness, which completed its on on April 10, 2013, that is if you have yet read the whole thing.
As for me, my predictions about the coming film's plot are:
Spock will die (considering the part in the trailer where Spock puts his hand on the glass facing towards Kirk and the part where Scotty tries to comfort Uhura), thus breaking his no-sacrifice no-risk taking promise to Uhura in the final issue Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness.
The U.S.S. NCC-1701 suffers destruction (considering had badly damaged it looked in one of the terrorism scenes featured in the trailer), with Kirk gaining command of a new ship (a new Enterprise or not) after proving his worth of being a commanding officer in Starfleet.
Admiral Christopher Pike will face his moment of getting radiated on his skin so as a next step of his disfigurement, allowing way for a future issue of IDW's ongoing comic book series Star Trek to be able to present its own take of the Star Trek: The Original Series two-parter "The Menagerie".
Considering what happened in Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness, it's likely that John Harrison is associated with Robert T. April's rogue army and plots revenge for his capture by Starfleet authorities after April gets executed for his crimes[/SPOLIER].
Since the second issue of Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness revealed that Robert. T. April commanded an Enterprise years before the launch of the NCC-1701 within the timeline of the alternate reality established in 2009's Star Trek, the movie will provide more background on this early Enterprise (including registry number) at some point.
Today while visiting TrekMovie.com, I have found out that Issues 21 through 23 of IDW Publishing's Star Trek will consist together a storyarc dealing with the aftermath of the events to be seen in Star Trek Into Darkness, which is coming in theaters on 5/17/2013 (and yes, the comic storyarc is part of the Star Trek canon). Issue 21 is scheduled for release on 5/29/2013 with the other issues to come out in June and July respectively. So for those of you looking forward to seeing this epic sci-fi thriller, make sure to mark your calendars for these issues, and for thsoe of you haven't yet read the film's comic book prelude miniseries Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness, I recommend you read the whole minseries first (with the fourth issue to come out sometime later this month) then see the movie, then read IDW's Star Trek No. 21.
Check out the trailer for Star Trek: The Video Game, scheduled for release on April 23, 2013.
In this video game, set after the events in 2009's Star Trek movie, you play Captain James T. Kirk or his XO Commander Spock during the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701's mission to the Vulcan people's new home planet New Vulcan with the villains of the game itself being the Gorn, a repitilain race last seen in Star Trek: Enterprise. In case some of you reading this post are new to the Star Trek experience, the comedic fight scene in this trailer is a nod to the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Arena", which featured the Gorn's debut.
So far, I launched The DC and Marvel Heroes Forum (the forum post series for DC and Marvel Assemble) and Forum Arcadia (the forum post series for Leijiverse 999). Now today, Star Trek Nation will have its own forum post series launched, titled "Starfleet Forumdock". This forum post series, though not to run daily, will center each post around a Star Trek-related topic, with you, the readers, to post your comments on the topic itself in the comment box attached.
For the opening post of this forum series, you are invited to share your thoughts about the Star Trek T.V. series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, which turned 20 back in January. As you take part in the discussion, here are some questions to think about: What are your favorite ST: DS9 moments or episodes? Who are your favorite characters in the series? What are your thoughts on the series' story and character development? Do you feel the show could have ran for more seasons than it already had, or do you feel it could have had any movie sequels? Was it amoung the best Star Trek series you've seen? Have you read any novels and/or comics that tie-in to the T.V. series itself, and if so, any favorite stories? What are your thoughts about Benjamin Sisko as a Starfleet space station/starship commanding officer? Do you like the idea of a Star Trek T.V. series using a space station as a main setting throughout?