Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/28/08 | Reply
I'm tentatively looking forward to this movie. It looks like it could give a much-needed breath of fresh air to the franchise.
Also, although I know nothing can ever replace the original series, I'm happy to see it updated with technology that looks more in-line with what came in the later shows. My only grip is that they're not doing a radical redesign of the uniforms. I mean, how can you go from the jumpsuits of Enterprise to all women having to wear miniskirt outfits just a few years later? The continuity and progression is just all screwed up since Enterprise came out.
Also, I'm interested in seeing Kirk portrayed in a way that will be free of the more prominent eccentricities of Shatner.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/28/08 | Reply
I'm tentatively looking forward to this movie. It looks like it could give a much-needed breath of fresh air to the franchise.
Also, although I know nothing can ever replace the original series, I'm happy to see it updated with technology that looks more in-line with what came in the later shows. My only grip is that they're not doing a radical redesign of the uniforms. I mean, how can you go from the jumpsuits of Enterprise to all women having to wear miniskirt outfits just a few years later? The continuity and progression is just all screwed up since Enterprise came out.
Also, I'm interested in seeing Kirk portrayed in a way that will be free of the more prominent eccentricities of Shatner.
roxas b
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/19/08 | Reply
wow that was coool