Hello there! I'm stararnold, and welcome to Star Trek Nation, a fansite-type WORLD dedicated to everything that has to do with one of the greatest and most popular franchises in the history of Science Fiction, Star Trek. Featuring Star Trek-related posts in various kinds, such as essays, news and updates, episode/movie reviews, fan fiction, informational guides (such as character bios, starship/tech info, race info, etc.), top lists, etc. Hope you enjoy your visit! As for posts, Make sure to click on the yellow highlighted texts in the posts to open up the linked pages.

P.S. If you wish to submitt your own posts on a topic that fits into the theme of this site, please PM me first, and I'll add you to the "guest posters" list, then I'll PM you back an O.K. to add your posts to this WORLD.

In the meantime, here are some awesome Star Trek weblinks you may want to visit:

News: ST '09 Gets 5 Constellation Nominations

The 2009 movie "Star Trek" has been nominated for four categories for this year's Constellation Awards event, which is scheduled to take place at Polaris 24 in Toronto on July 17. Like evry other year, the Constellation Awards honors Sci-Fi T.V./F...

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News: ST '09 Wins an Empire Film Award

Today, EmpireOnline.com has reported on the results from this year's Jameson Empire Film Awards event, which took place in London. Of the three categories "Star Trek" (2009) was nominat...

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News: ST '09 Receives a CDG Nomination

Today, TrekMovie.com has reported that Michael Kaplan, the costume designer of "Star Trek" (2009) has been nominated by the Costume Design...

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News: Writers of ST '09 Nominated For A WGA Award

Another award nomination is given for "Star Trek" (2009) today. This time, it's given to its writer duo (consisiting of Alex Kurtzman and Roberto "Bob" Orci) by the Writers Guild of America (or simply WGA) for the "Best Adapted Screenplay". Howeve...

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News: ST '09 Nominated For ADG award

Today, The Hollywood Reporter has announced that "Star Trek" (2009. A.k.a. "Star Trek XI") has received another nomination. This...

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