In the beginning, IDW Publishing launched an ongoing comic book titled simply "Star Trek" with the plan to re-imagine the events all episodes of the original "Star Trek" T.V. series for the timeline introduced in the 2009 film "Star Trek" while being a sequel to the film itself. According to, this comic book series will be taking a break from re-imagining events of the classic T.V. series in March 2012 to feature a two-part story called "The Vendetta Conspiracy", in which the Vulcan people who survived the destruction of their homeworld by the crew of the Romulan ship Narada in the 2009 ST film find themselves split in two sides: those who are just trying to move on to safer times and those thirsty for revenge against the Romulans. This story will be told in Issues 7 and 8 of IDW's ongoing "Star Trek".
Also in March, the IDW ongoing comic book series "Star Trek" will have its first six issues collected in its first tradepaperback volume. Issues 1-2 are based on "Where No Man Has Goen Before" (the 2nd pilot episode filmed for the original "Star Trek" series), Issues 3-4 based on original "Star Trek" series episode "The Galileo Seven", and issues 5-6 based on the series' season 1 finale episode "Operation: Annihilate!".
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