Hello World! Get your steaming hot buns here!
Fresh every week, a new set every time!
Get your shares now, Its good enough for everyone!

Menma: Don't you DARE CROSSDRESS as me AGAIN just to get free buns!


That was random huh? Oh well.
Welcome to my first world in this account. STEAMING HOT BUNS (Hell yeah!)
Here I can share about, generally, anything. Be it about some anime I've watched the other day, some manga that I've been hooked up to, some addicting topic, meme or whatever on the internet, or even something random that just happened in my life. But I assure you, it will be and always will be fresh, something new to start or finish your day!

Please enjoy reading!

*SIGH* Back?

Hey guys!

I srsly miss this site. Oh I do.
But because of them annoying teachers, homework, and the grades that i had to keep up, I DIDN'T GET ANY CHANCE TO POST HERE! *sobsobsob*

Yes, I know, I doesn't seem like a good enough for an excuse but heck, I did kinda forget about the site for a while now here I am again! And I hope everyone's still as active as ever.

(got no pics for this post, sorreh)

Hope I get to post more often again!
