This is my little box of FUN! Here I store cool stuff, even the random things found over the Internet that make me laugh. Since I laugh at almost anything, don't be surprised if I overload this place, LOL.

Starcraft Troopers!

For those who played Starcraft, and notice how similar it is to the movie Starship Troopers. Only it's WAY better, right? LOL

"Rock and Roll!!!"

12 Days of Starcraft!

Christmas is coming!! So how about a Christmas song?!
This is for all Starcraft fans, that, like me, hope Blizzard will give us a brand new Starcraft 2 in time for the Holidays, LOL.
Yeah... Good luck with that. >.<'
Anyway, let's sing:

"On the first day of Christmas, Blizzard gave to me... A brand new SCV!"
Credits to people who did it, on
