Well, for dinner tonight me (and my mother) decided to do something different, so we made egg rolls and tempura for the first time 8D
It went really well, too! Here's a picture :3

The egg rolls were made with ground beef, black fungus mushrooms, soy sprouts, half a carrot, a tiny bit of ginger and spring onion! Tempura was just shrimp and eggplant (though the latter is not on the pic, due to my mother not finding it decorative enough, oh well!)
I am UNBELIEVABLY frustrated! I was just minding my own business, drawing my latest fan art and -SUDDENLY- I was unable to draw a black line anymore! The brush was in some stupid grey and I checked all the opacity settings but it was fine. And I CAN'T FIX IT! Then I increased some other stuff and now it's darker but STILL not black! The funny thing is that only my brushes are affected, pencil tool and colour fill are not. But I NEED IT.
Until I've found out WTF is going on and how to fix it I won't be able to draw properly on the computer. D; So no fan art and no GFP until this crap works again!
GREAT day, seriously.
Well, today was another pretty great day in the life of this cat :D
Not only did I get to eat a lot of GOOD asian food, I also found an ASIAN SHOP and bought a lot of nice stuffs! 8DDD
Sake(mostly for cooking purposes) 750ml [one and a half small bottles of coca cola for all you people over the pond] for like 4 euros, Fish Sauce for 1.50 and those little dough pieces you use to make spring rolls!! :D
ALSO, I bought an AWESOME sushi set made up of two plates, you know those square ones they serve you sushi on, two of those little plate-cups for soy sauce and wasabi, two pairs of black and metal chopsticks and two of those wooden rolls you use to make maki, and I am totally in love with it. WAHEY!
Good times :D
Gonna go see my grandparents tomorrow, too. :3
Well, it is now 1:21 AM on Saturday, May 14th so I can legitimately say that this Friday has been an awesome day!
I got to do whatever I wanted, I made a whole fan comic, I became Temp Mod on chat, tomorrow (so, actually, today) I'll go eat some asian food with my dad which was DECIDED yesterday, so STILL COUNTS and errr yeah I just had a pretty darn great time :D
Hoorae for positivity!
And I have absolutely no idea what to do right now.
WRITTEN EXAMS ARE OVER YAY YAY YAY YAY! But... ._. No more studying, no more school... WHAT IS I GON' DO.
Seriously, this is the shortest timespan between a huuuuuge exam and boredom I have ever lived through. Anyways! I'm going to get the METROID PRIME BOXSET and hopefully like it. Srsly. Anddddd I'll prolly have more time from now on to spend on shit.
Today's To-Do Done List: Because it just happened.
Get up before the alarm would ring, which it wouldn't have, actually, since I forgot to set it.
Get to school safely.
Write the exam.
Sit there thinking "That went surprisingly well!"
Go to my dads.
Develop the munchies whilst chomping through more food than you thought your stomach could take.
Get drunk off bubbly wine.
Have dessert though refusing it on multiple occasions. [YES I DO FEEL SICK NOW KTHXBAI]
Get home.
Play Mario Kart Wii.
Be bored.
Prolly gonna go into town later on to buy my bro's birthday present (A skateboard.)
So yeah.
I kind of like my denim world layout. Opinions?