*blush* Thank you, I'm glad people finall apreciate my work (and wen I work myself like a pac muel for watever reason) used to veryone forced me to do things (mostly I was THAT part of the group) either that or they never let me do anything, so, I just wanted to thank everone -AsagiTaichou
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
*blush* Thank you, I'm glad people finall apreciate my work (and wen I work myself like a pac muel for watever reason) used to veryone forced me to do things (mostly I was THAT part of the group) either that or they never let me do anything, so, I just wanted to thank everone -AsagiTaichou
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
Aww that's so generous!
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
*wipes at eyes* Aw, Asagi san ^^ that's awesomely generous!