Yeah, this used to be Bleach Games! but that kinda dropped, now at Sugar Coated Strawberries or Sugar Berries for short, we discuss anything and everything IchiRuki, I'm open to IchiRuki guest posts here too, why Sugar Coated Strawberries? Because Ichigo is the strawberry (obviously) and Rukia is the snow (or in this case sugar coating) that goes over it, Strawberries are too sour without sugar coated on them! So now the strawberries are sweeter! So have fun guys!

Because Admit It! This Is Funny!

I no it isn't IchiRuki, but I found this and was like: so! I guess this world will be for mostly IciRuki with some funny stuff, and this kinda fits too, for three reasons: One, let's admit it, if she wanted to Rukia could scare any milatary offficer into hiding under the bed! "Brave women fear nothing, brave men fear women," 2: That training Ichigo did was like milatary training, and 3: Hello! Mulan's voice is very nice and girly and elegant, Ichigo is the deefinition of a man, but, that's also because he respects women (so in a man's eye he may be weaker for that) but Renji and the others won't be laughing wen Ichigo is happily married and eating candy and their wives are screaming at them and pointing to the couch everynight! But this is just TOO funny!
