Hiya! This is Fun In Sugar Berry Feilds! A place for anything fun! Ofcourse it must be Bleach, well, mainly Bleach related, so, since people were upset about Bleach Games! taking a plunge, this is the new world for all things silly! DO NOT CLICK <center><b><a href="http://www.geocities.com/lilndnplaya/noclick.html">DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!!</a></center></B>
- Created By AsagiTaichou
OMG I'm Posting Something Here That Isn't IchiRuki?! FINALLY!
That's right peoples, it be a miracle! Well I found this yesterday and figured that ya'll would really like it ^^ It says (Rukia) "She followed us back from the Nigabashi distrect Captin, can we keep her?" (Ukitake) "Well I supose it's alright, she sure sheds alot," (Kiyone and Sentaro) "She likes ME best!" "No she likes ME best!"
Look Wat My Freind Made For Me!
This was my mom's ideah and my freind on DA drew it for me ^^ So Pussycat and I were talking about IchiRuki babies and she suggested this, it reminds me of my mom's cats Gammy and Milty! Gammy would always wake Milty up and leave him with the kittens wile she took a nap ^^ She was a petit too 0_0 And that little orange kitten is one like my mom had that used to swing on the curtains!
Thank for 2,200+ HITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YA'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why Do I Like This Picture So Much?
also, if anyone has read Sugar Berries and thought that the fake Rukia post wasfunny and liked it then I could do a series of those on here! If ya' want anyway, so, do ya'?