Haha I thought about learning that dance too Hmm...for me it would probably be easy to learn it since D! (the guy dancing in the middle on stage in Hamburg) has his own dancing schools all over Germany...
It was amazing to see it live, knowing that all those people were really dancing it altogether at the same time.
Sunshine 60
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/19/10 | Reply
Haha I thought about learning that dance too
Hmm...for me it would probably be easy to learn it since D! (the guy dancing in the middle on stage in Hamburg) has his own dancing schools all over Germany...
It was amazing to see it live, knowing that all those people were really dancing it altogether at the same time.
Thanks for watching
Pokemon Master (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/10 | Reply
The power of Music and Song to Untie the people~
Now I want to learn the dance to this. haha