Heck no our friendship shall live on until the end of time!!
A scene subculture? wow...all I can say is yay scene kids!! We have the pow-ah~
Yeah my current haircut is very nice. Or at least I think it is and, this is the first time I have ever liked a new haircut...style type thing. EVER! I'm going to take pictures of my new hair after christmas so be on the look out.:D
Gaki no Tsukai? Ok I will go check it out! Merry Christmas to you too. ILY MAREIL!
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
Glad to see you're back^^ There's been a long period this year when I simply didn't feel like posting or drawing or anything...:3
Congrats to your parents!:D *throws confetti*
Hmm I really should go and get my hair cut...XD Not that drastic though, cause I love how it looks now^^ It'd be nice to see pictures of your new 'do!
I hope you'll have a great Christmas as well! - and a happy *early* New Year to you too^__^
I missed you!!!! *hugs* I'm so glad that you're back and ok. ^___^ I need to go to bed soon, so I don't have time to read this right now. :( But I want to. Hopefully I'll get to tomorrow. I just want to welcome you back~~ And try not to get too addicted to that stuff!!! If you know sparkle-chan (sparkle 078) or chibilala, you'll know what asian drama addiction will do to you. It's not a pretty thing.
Take care~ And congrats to your parents! And I can't wait to see your new hair! I bet it's really cute. ^_^
Last edited by Angel Zakuro at 12:05:09 AM EST on December 22, 2008.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
Heck no our friendship shall live on until the end of time!!
A scene subculture? wow...all I can say is yay scene kids!! We have the pow-ah~
Yeah my current haircut is very nice. Or at least I think it is and, this is the first time I have ever liked a new haircut...style type thing. EVER! I'm going to take pictures of my new hair after christmas so be on the look out.:D
Gaki no Tsukai? Ok I will go check it out! Merry Christmas to you too. ILY MAREIL!
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
Glad to see you're back^^ There's been a long period this year when I simply didn't feel like posting or drawing or anything...:3
Congrats to your parents!:D *throws confetti*
Hmm I really should go and get my hair cut...XD Not that drastic though, cause I love how it looks now^^ It'd be nice to see pictures of your new 'do!
I hope you'll have a great Christmas as well! - and a happy *early* New Year to you too^__^
Take care John-chan!^^ *hugs*
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 12/21/08 | Reply
I missed you!!!! *hugs* I'm so glad that you're back and ok. ^___^ I need to go to bed soon, so I don't have time to read this right now. :( But I want to. Hopefully I'll get to tomorrow. I just want to welcome you back~~ And try not to get too addicted to that stuff!!! If you know sparkle-chan (sparkle 078) or chibilala, you'll know what asian drama addiction will do to you. It's not a pretty thing.
Take care~ And congrats to your parents! And I can't wait to see your new hair! I bet it's really cute. ^_^
Last edited by Angel Zakuro at 12:05:09 AM EST on December 22, 2008.