21st of Nov. 2020: *checks watch* nope still not dead!

But wow man this place sure is a shadow of its former self *whistles*


20th of Nov. 2016: I'm not dead!

I'm doing OK, working and dealing with my mental health as well as I can. I won't be back here, though. I've started creating content for The Sims 3. As for anime, I've left it behind mostly.

If any of my old friends end up reading this - the years together have been great, and I still get nostalgic about them sometimes. Hope life is treating you well!~


8th of Nov. 2015: For anyone wondering what's happened to me

Simply put, I grew distant from TheO. The fine folks here have nothing to do with it, you all are still amazing (and I feel awful for missing so many birthdays >_<). Tagging on Minitokyo took up a lot of my time, and I gradually found myself visiting TheO less and less, until it got to literally months between visits. Hell, I don't even think I can remember my password, thank God Firefox has the option to save them.

I'm also not that interested in anime anymore - I mean, I like the style and still add to my collection of eye candy, but I don't feel the need to keep up with new releases. I've got my gigs of old manga and am pretty much satisfied with that. Art-wise, the same: haven't felt the drive to pick up or finish a work in months, probably as a result of my passion for anime fizzling out. I'm still playing The Sims 3, and have picked up Doom too (love them custom WADs!).

Anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for the visit. Drop me a line on Minitokyo if you feel like it.
Hope all is well with you, and a huge thanks for the support. Take care.

icon by Torao

IMPORTANT: Staying Safe on the Internet

Normally, I don't care about people that get themselves into trouble by sharing personal info online, but I felt I needed to forward this to everyone, so you all had a chance to see what can happen right in our backyard, and that the Internet is not as safe a place as you might think.

Staying Safe on the Internet (post by SunfallE)

Bottom line is: don't be stupid. Keep your asses safe. Don't ever try to pull the "It can't happen to me" shit because it can happen to anyone dumb enough to share very personal information with people that are not trustworthy. Remember, guys and gals, this is the Internet. Home of 4Chan. Therefore, anything is possible. That cute 17-year-old girl you were just talking to in chat could be a 40-year-old creep.

P.S. I don't go to chat. Never did and never will. But those of you who really HAVE to cyber, please go watch some porn with someone or find other chats. God knows the Internet is full of them.

P.P.S. I suggest you follow SunfallE's advice and repost this. The more people who see it, the better.


I've been tagged by Saku! Thanks, otherwise I'd be too lazy to do this on my own :D ------------ 1. First thing you wash in the shower? Armpits?... Dunno, never paid at...

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Holy popcorn on a stick!

Just went through the worlds once more and noticed I hadn't really posted since January. That's almost like I've been dead or something :o Guess I can sum it all up like this:
1. January-March: (mainly) unconsciously pretending to be worried about the baccalaureate exam.
2. April: actually being worried about aforementioned exam.
3. May: oh s**t it's coming isn't it??
4. June: ._. Ah screw it, can't escape it anyway, might as well take it.
5. July: OMG I'M FREE!!! *does the idiot dance* Now to spend the last of my summer vacation gathering the necessary documents for college registration!
6. August: *vegetates* Oh, and I began more PS projects. *vegetates some more*
7. September, the early days: AHAHAHAHA these suckers are going to school! *points and laughs at high school people*
8. September, later: Awww, I'm not in high school anymore ;_; I miss my classmates! T_T
9. September, now: Hell yeah, bring on college!!

Because I've been admitted to two colleges from completely different fields (Literature and Economy), it's safe to say I'll probably have my hands full for a few months. And while I'm not pretending I'll be back anytime soon, I'll just say that I don't know when I'll be back :D Simple as that. Oh, I might post icons, tutorials and other stuff from time to time, but this is pretty much it for now - visit The Corner of Art from time to time to see what I'm doing, graphics-wise.

P.S. Who knows, I might defy my own logic and post a week from now :D

P.P.S. I noticed I'm not a mod anymore, which is kind of a relief since I didn't do much anyway ._. I'm too damn lazy, seriously.

Teh dork iz back~ orz

Mood: (random and idiotic) Listening to: my mom complaining about stuff lying around the house (as if th...

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Slowly losing it.

Well, hello everyone. I think this is going to be a fairly short post, since I don't feel like writing too much ._. But, I suppose I should let the people who haven't forgotten about me know how I'm doing. Thank you for being there for me. ...

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