How did I miss this?? Now I'm listening to your voice meme!! Yay! Lol! OMG I love your accent. XD It's so great. It's so sexy. ;) Mmmmm. And haha, you were was the second wallpaper that I was thinking of. XD The rainbow one with the black bg lol! And how we first was through your comments on those walls lol. So yeah, nothing too special. *hugs* But still, I am glad we met. You are a great friend. :)
Lol, truthfully, my reaction really was like that:
[Google search comes up with a metric ton of sites. Sweetdevil picks the first (or was it second?) one.]
*glances over it* (it was even in bold!)
*leaves site and makes video with subtitles just for this part*
Hey, don't worry, you can ask me questions if you want to c: It's very fun to do and I finally got over my fear of speaking into the microphone! Hurray!
Lol, that's because we're all a planet of COWARDS XD
Ohoho, my accent isn't very thick, you should see the one up North XD Even we don't understand it sometimes, and we live in the same country.
Thing is, I tried pronouncing it but went into a cartoonish F F F F frenzy instead, which Youtube frowns upon, so I left it out XD Pronouncing it with a Romanian accent is pretty easy actually, I dread imagining how it would sound in English! Maybe like a Russian trying to speak in English while drunk? *ponders*
Asdfjkl; I missed the time when you were accepting questions! ;A; I'm really glad so many people are doing these meme's, they're so fun to listen too and your accent is so nice XD Selective color is one of my favorite things to mess with as well, you can always get some really good coloring effects with it. That's so mean! Your Spanish teacher called you a coward? I'm pretty sure 90% of people who are asked that question answer with your answer. I haven't seen Hot Fuzz in such a long time, I really feel like watching it after you mentioned it~
Lolol. Damn you chemistry indeed :D
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead."
Guh, how come everyone's voices are so awesome?! XD Your accent is, in one word 'epic'. Seriously, I am in love with it~ <3 Thank you very much for answering me questions. Haha, that word is longer than I thought the longest word in the world would be. I can understand not wanting to attempt to pronounce it. XD Very awesome answers! ^^
Nu ne servesc nimic, nu e razboi cu Ungaria, ci cu astia de la noi pe care din cate am auzit si ungurilor le e rusine cu ei. Cum sunt tiganii ptr noi sunt "secuii" ptr unguri. Oricum Ungaria se duce naibii rapid d.p.d.v economic, e mult mai naspa la ei decat la noi, asa ca daca cineva n-are bani sunt ei, nu noi XD Asa ca i-as scoate usor, problema e cu presedintia XD
Thank you ^^ I used to have a very deep voice as a kid and worried that I was actually supposed to be a boy.
Ah, I like Dare too, but 911 sounds more badass :3 I initially liked 911 only because of the Gorillaz parts, but then it grew on me. And Clint Eastwood was awesome from the get-go, possibly the closest thing to horror I witnessed on CN as a kid.
Dude, n-avem destui bani sa incepem un alt razboi :)) Vrei sa ne serveasca fundurile pe tava?
Heh, stai sa vezi dupa ce vorbesc mai mult. Nu prea pot sa imit alte accente romanesti, aveam o prietena care il imita la perfectie pe cel moldovenesc desi n-avea nicio treaba cu regiunile, eram pe jos de ras cand o auzeam :))
Heh~ daca eram presedinte dadeam afara toate jegurile de unguri, pardon, "secui", care ne freaca tara la scafarlie, era prima chestie, dup'aia deja ma iubeau oamenii chiar daca nu aveau mare lucru de pus pe masa XD
Your pronunciation is great because most of these nicks are Japanese, so Asuha is Asuha, not "Esuha" or "Easuha" how native English speakers pronounce it. Your accent is not Romanian enough, I choose you Moldova accent, it's very effective XD
lkj;lkj;l You sound adorable. I love your accent and your tone.
Great song picks. I love all the songs your named. I think one of my other favorites would be Dare.
Also, I think I might have to agree with you on the 20 years completely healthy. Yay, cowards! :D
Thanks for answering my questions and posting this! It was really interesting to hear what you sound like. *hug* Take care~
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/19/12 | Reply
How did I miss this?? Now I'm listening to your voice meme!! Yay! Lol! OMG I love your accent. XD It's so great. It's so sexy. ;) Mmmmm. And haha, you were was the second wallpaper that I was thinking of. XD The rainbow one with the black bg lol! And how we first was through your comments on those walls lol. So yeah, nothing too special. *hugs* But still, I am glad we met. You are a great friend. :)
Embracing Insanity (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/03/12 | Reply
@Dark Flame 3479:
Lol, truthfully, my reaction really was like that:
[Google search comes up with a metric ton of sites. Sweetdevil picks the first (or was it second?) one.]
*glances over it* (it was even in bold!)
*leaves site and makes video with subtitles just for this part*
Hey, don't worry, you can ask me questions if you want to c: It's very fun to do and I finally got over my fear of speaking into the microphone! Hurray!
Lol, that's because we're all a planet of COWARDS XD
Embracing Insanity (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/03/12 | Reply
Ohoho, my accent isn't very thick, you should see the one up North XD Even we don't understand it sometimes, and we live in the same country.
Thing is, I tried pronouncing it but went into a cartoonish F F F F frenzy instead, which Youtube frowns upon, so I left it out XD Pronouncing it with a Romanian accent is pretty easy actually, I dread imagining how it would sound in English! Maybe like a Russian trying to speak in English while drunk? *ponders*
Dark Flame 3479
Infiltrator (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/03/12 | Reply
Asdfjkl; I missed the time when you were accepting questions! ;A; I'm really glad so many people are doing these meme's, they're so fun to listen too and your accent is so nice XD Selective color is one of my favorite things to mess with as well, you can always get some really good coloring effects with it. That's so mean! Your Spanish teacher called you a coward? I'm pretty sure 90% of people who are asked that question answer with your answer. I haven't seen Hot Fuzz in such a long time, I really feel like watching it after you mentioned it~
Lolol. Damn you chemistry indeed :D
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead."
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Guh, how come everyone's voices are so awesome?! XD Your accent is, in one word 'epic'. Seriously, I am in love with it~ <3 Thank you very much for answering me questions. Haha, that word is longer than I thought the longest word in the world would be. I can understand not wanting to attempt to pronounce it. XD Very awesome answers! ^^
Moderator | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Nu ne servesc nimic, nu e razboi cu Ungaria, ci cu astia de la noi pe care din cate am auzit si ungurilor le e rusine cu ei. Cum sunt tiganii ptr noi sunt "secuii" ptr unguri. Oricum Ungaria se duce naibii rapid d.p.d.v economic, e mult mai naspa la ei decat la noi, asa ca daca cineva n-are bani sunt ei, nu noi XD Asa ca i-as scoate usor, problema e cu presedintia XD
Embracing Insanity (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Thank you ^^ I used to have a very deep voice as a kid and worried that I was actually supposed to be a boy.
Ah, I like Dare too, but 911 sounds more badass :3 I initially liked 911 only because of the Gorillaz parts, but then it grew on me. And Clint Eastwood was awesome from the get-go, possibly the closest thing to horror I witnessed on CN as a kid.
*high fives fellow coward like a baws*
Embracing Insanity (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Dude, n-avem destui bani sa incepem un alt razboi :)) Vrei sa ne serveasca fundurile pe tava?
Heh, stai sa vezi dupa ce vorbesc mai mult. Nu prea pot sa imit alte accente romanesti, aveam o prietena care il imita la perfectie pe cel moldovenesc desi n-avea nicio treaba cu regiunile, eram pe jos de ras cand o auzeam :))
Moderator | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Heh~ daca eram presedinte dadeam afara toate jegurile de unguri, pardon, "secui", care ne freaca tara la scafarlie, era prima chestie, dup'aia deja ma iubeau oamenii chiar daca nu aveau mare lucru de pus pe masa XD
Your pronunciation is great because most of these nicks are Japanese, so Asuha is Asuha, not "Esuha" or "Easuha" how native English speakers pronounce it. Your accent is not Romanian enough, I choose you Moldova accent, it's very effective XD
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
lkj;lkj;l You sound adorable. I love your accent and your tone.
Great song picks. I love all the songs your named. I think one of my other favorites would be Dare.
Also, I think I might have to agree with you on the 20 years completely healthy. Yay, cowards! :D
Thanks for answering my questions and posting this! It was really interesting to hear what you sound like. *hug* Take care~
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."