21st of Nov. 2020: *checks watch* nope still not dead!

But wow man this place sure is a shadow of its former self *whistles*


20th of Nov. 2016: I'm not dead!

I'm doing OK, working and dealing with my mental health as well as I can. I won't be back here, though. I've started creating content for The Sims 3. As for anime, I've left it behind mostly.

If any of my old friends end up reading this - the years together have been great, and I still get nostalgic about them sometimes. Hope life is treating you well!~


8th of Nov. 2015: For anyone wondering what's happened to me

Simply put, I grew distant from TheO. The fine folks here have nothing to do with it, you all are still amazing (and I feel awful for missing so many birthdays >_<). Tagging on Minitokyo took up a lot of my time, and I gradually found myself visiting TheO less and less, until it got to literally months between visits. Hell, I don't even think I can remember my password, thank God Firefox has the option to save them.

I'm also not that interested in anime anymore - I mean, I like the style and still add to my collection of eye candy, but I don't feel the need to keep up with new releases. I've got my gigs of old manga and am pretty much satisfied with that. Art-wise, the same: haven't felt the drive to pick up or finish a work in months, probably as a result of my passion for anime fizzling out. I'm still playing The Sims 3, and have picked up Doom too (love them custom WADs!).

Anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for the visit. Drop me a line on Minitokyo if you feel like it.
Hope all is well with you, and a huge thanks for the support. Take care.

icon by Torao

I'm in shock

This song is too awesome for words. Well, for me at least.
But is that really Jack Nicholson singing? The WikiGods say it is (fourth track). Can someone more musical-savvy confirm it? Because if it is, I'm seriously blown away.

A translation that makes more sense than the one in the video.

Oh, and if you haven't seen the video in the post below, GO SEE IT. It's awesome.

Deleted card + something funny for once

So, one of my cards was deleted. I'm not surprised, since it was quite risky. Surprisingly, I'm not annoyed c: Dunno why either. But from now on, I'll keep the risky stuff for this world or my site, and go tamer here. And I'll enter with something else in Ritona's challenge, luckily I had something prepared XD



Edit: moved to Reality's Randomness 'cause I'm a dumbass and posted it on CP by mistake 8D

I'm My Own Grandpa!

Oh man, I'm still trying to get it together after seeing/hearing this. Wow.
You may want to have some anti-headache medicine ready in case you facepalm too much.

Xmas videos: part deux

Continuing the silly Christmas cheer with another video (last one since I couldn't find any others from this series - not that I actually looked for them either 8D)

More talking animals at klaatu42's channel!


Xmas videos: part one

Because it's just too cute. Part two will be coming soon :D