One big mashup

My life has been hectic these days. I'm supposed to be studying for exams, but by the point I get home I feel drained of all willpower to so do D: Plus, I have to be in an internship type thing, which counts as a school subject (you have to gain some experience by volunteering, internships etc.). Fortunately, I'm helping out in the Letters college (my main one), because I can't possibly afford to have a job, time-wise; I'm attending two colleges and going to classes daily, as is (yes, even the weekends). God help me when exams start.

Aside from college, I've picked up Dexter and I think it's awesome! I don't usually watch TV series because my attention span is kind of short (which is also why I don't watch anime anymore), but Dexter just grew on me and I usually watch two episodes in one sitting because it's so good :D I've finally caught up and season 5 is definitely among the best, but I can't really complain or say I didn't like them, like 90% of the people on the boards bitch: I liked a little bit of everything :)

And to post something fun, don't you think these covers are pure porn? I mean, I used to look at them when I was a kid and think they were weird because Mowgli's face looks like a girl's but his body is obviously that of a guy's! Anyway, let me know what you think (warning: hide your children or underage siblings, if you have any):
Jungle Books #2
Jungle Books #1
Oops, sorry about that! Here, I fixed it for you.
In a completely unrelated thing, they're all drawn by a guy. I just love how they look like those old cheap softcore pornography novels :D
