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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

In the mind of an artist

This was the original description to "Pancake-Chan" but it turned into not just a deep insight on how I work but a piece of my life as an artist and how I think about my art in relation to the world. As much as I would want to post it as the artist comments, I feel that its more appropriate to post it as a journal. I like to reflect on myself and to improve on how I should feel about my art because at the end of the day, the way you feel counts. Not just that but others might gain insight in my ramblings of how I "truly" feel in the moment. I learned that following your heart in art is one of the toughest things to decide on. Its a road that you don't know what's going to happen. Emotions are key in this journey because they dictate what you may do, so its important to really be truthful to yourself. So that when you feel doubt, worry, or fear; you can stand up to it and punch the f**k out of it. Rather then try to cover it up and subconsciously be controlled by it. Forever hindering your journey and creativity as an artist. I've been on that road and its a bitch in a half.

Pancake-chan is just a concept sketch that sorta went out of control in photoshop. Of course like other artist have battled with, the picture colors look fainted and not true to life. I had to give this god forsaken sketch an overhaul because it looked so gritty and light when it was scanned. I'm really lazy so getting the character out of the grayish paper background was a mess. There are still bits of pieces of the paper hanging on the edges that I try to fix this morning. In fact I tried to start over trying to get PC-Chan to look brighter but not dirtier/washed out by editing the color tools but alas, it failed me. That and sheer laziness with an attitude of "f**k perfection". So I decided to scrap ALL attempts to get this picture to look better and not so gimmicky with Photoshop puke in the background. Granted I do love what I did with it and I am improving on my PS backgrounds. I just tend to worry too much about what others might think and trying to show my best at all times. Which is ridiculous because art isn't suppose to be perfect but fun. Which it was till I decided that gimmicky Photoshop puke with crappy edges equal hated from my fellow peers. And even if people don't like it that doesn't/shouldn't mean anything to me. It doesn't at the end of the day because I'm still doing what I'm doing and it feels good. Wrapping this mind dump up, all I wanted was the sketch to look less light and more bright. Which I achieved and I see improvement in my work so my life is complete. Life is forever good. :)

Pro tip#1: An artist mind is a complex one. Make things simple by telling yourself that no matter what anyone else might think, say, or do, your always a great artist that create for fun.

Pro tip#2: Once you start basing your creativity towards what others outside of yourself may think, you instantly cut off 50% of creative talent. Its true, (at least for me) but I'll talk about it next time.

For now I hope you enjoyed a little peek into my mind as an artist and I would like to hear from you! :)

Do any of you worry about what other will perceive your work? How do you personally handle it? Do you think it helps you become a better artist? Or does it get in the way of your creative juices?
