I has boyfriend D:

Howdy howdy everyone!

How’s everyone feeling? I hope everyone is okay…

Well, the last few weeks were definitely eventful. I really don’t know where to begin…

Well, I have a boyfriend. D:

Well, I suggest running back into your homes, closing your blinds, and possibly grabbing hold to any holy book that you believe in because I’m pretty sure the world is going to end soon. And to continue to clear the air, yes, he is my first boyfriend.

The funniest part of it all is that we both thought that the other just wanted to be friends. Nothing was said but it was what we thought. Since I met this guy (lets just call him Tom XD) I knew he liked me cause I’m just cool like that. We had class one quarter and hang out after school and play the Wii and some times before school and just talk or whatever.

Of course even thought I knew he liked me I wasn’t all that interested but as time went on he kinda grew on me. This sorta pissed me off because I didn’t want another crush and the ordeals with that shit. But I did and the fucking last day he was suppose to come to school I was going to tell/ask him about the subject and more importantly get his damn e-mail but he didn’t show up. And I was like “fuck that’s why I nip these kinds of feelings in the bud” >:C…

Anyway, some time later I knew his friend (the one I hung out with those few times and this was before we even start hanging out) probably had it so that’s when I ask him for it. So that’s when we start talking on the internet and hopefully maybe I could tell him but I’m not that bold sooo yeahhhh, I kept my mouth shut. But that’s when shit start getting real confusing because we would flirt and flirt and flirt but nothing seemed to amount to anything or he would mention other girl some times too. Which really throw my head on a damn roller coaster ride because of everything in school so I figured that he pretty much knew but was not interested anymore.

Then at the same time I was hanging out with his best friend (lets call him victor) and I knew he liked me too but I wasn’t interested in him like that, but goddamn its so much fun hanging out with him with our nonsense nothing fights. Then one miraculous Saturday night when I was staying up playing the Sims 3, Tom IM me saying that how awkward this phone conversation was with this girl. He was super frustrated that no matter how many hints he laid out for her she didn’t seem to get it or whatever. And boy, how ironic is that life for him to randomly confide in me in such a situation I know ALL TOO WELL 8D…

So I was there for him being a good FRIEND and all, even tried to see if see if she just dense or just wasn’t into him like that by holding an investigation via internet and all that CSI shit. After concluded that she might not be into him he finally said if he wasn’t trying to talk to this girl he would have asked me out but HE was in the friend zone. For those few minutes I could of swear that the world stopped turning. After the entire BS my instincts was right as always and the cat was finally out the fucking bag.

So then I was a bit hesitant but I took that SOB and rode it till the wheels fell off. Telling him that I was interested before he left school. AND OF COURSE he would get it THEN. He said he was interested since he first was talking to me. Finally everything was coming together perfectly and making sense. He was totally kicking himself in the ass because I liked him all this time and he didn’t catch on. I was kicking myself in the ass because I didn’t say anything sooner despite my instincts in the first place.

But at the same token I could definitely feel that Victory had feelings (since we were hanging out more and more) for me and I didn’t want it to seem like I was going be hide his back to date his best friend. Tom felt the same way too, and we didn’t want to destroy this circle of friends by any means.

So we decided that we were going to tell him about it and he did that day or two later. Victor was the totally cool about me and tom dating it even though he really liked me and I can’t thank him enough for that. He could have been a complete douche bag and said no or cut one of us out of his lives because he felt hurt. But he didn’t and I’m so thankful.

It feels like I’m finally getting what I really want in life. Awesome friends, a boyfriend *HackwheezesomethingIwantedforlikeayearwheezehack* and still very late by my peers standards (or anyone else’s) but I always disliked my peers “standards” of anything so um yeah ha-ha.

We hung out a few times in the last 3 weeks and I’m really enjoying this, I never felt this way about anyone… and its like… exciting LAWL… I got to type up our little adventures really soon. Especially our late date, it was fucking epic (at least to me) and all we did we cuddled most of the end of it…

So yeah, a REAL update and not just the same thing except happy or sad about it XD… I also got my drawing groove back and drawing stuff that I like. I have to keep it up and draw whenever I can… And post for a change and the usual sorry for lazy ass no updating club non-sense… I’m finally commenting again so we’ll see what happens. The club is still running and stuff so ummm yeahhhh…

I hope everything is going well for everyone else and I’ll see you guys in about a week or so!

Have a good day!
