I has degree!

Aye guys… Guess who got their Associate degree?

:( :| :) :D 8D

MEEE! (Jumps around wildly)

Yesterday was my graduation and it was by far one of the best days of my life! Even though my boy friend and my dad couldn’t make it because of work. And get this, I was voted by my class mates for the outstanding student award. I got a freak’n plaque for Christ sake!

I thought I was going to be horribly depressed because that night before I gotten really sad about everything and didn’t feel like doing it. I even broke down in like the wee hours (2AM) in the morning because of just everything. A whole lot of sadness, not wanting to see this end even though I’m uber happy to finally get out… Just a lot of things. This is what I call graduation syndrome. I never felt it like this before, I had a slight taste of it in high school but I hated that place like no other so I was happy. Even though I cried for like two seconds before I walked out on to the stage thingy… Which were happy tears in the first place.

But ITT Tech, despite the thousand and one flaws it had I really loved that place. The students and most of the teachers were like another family I would say? I don’t know what it was; it was just nice being in a small school were everyone almost knew everybody. Then all the friends I met there and all the good/bad times I had… You can never replace those. I even met my first boyfriend there. No one could have told me “Hey, you’re going to have one of those by the time you came out here!” and even if they did I wouldn’t think it would be Tom. A wonderful experience I had there under the other entire BS.

But the graduation went smoothly for the most part. They pretty much told us what they wanted us to do. No rehearsal or any of that crap… awesome. But I was still really down the day of and my family could tell. I started feeling better once I got prettied up and was on my way there. I had a latté on the way to the bus stop and on the way to the Radisson hotel where the graduation was held. Once I got to the hotel and heard the voices of my class mate my sadness totally disappeared! They were happy to see me and I happy to see them. Even seeing the class douche bag made me feel good.

The best part was that everyone was being them selves! The douche bag was talking about nothing and no one gets him. The internet camera guy came in with his one and only camera. My first crush was once again giving some weird yet cool fun facts on anime and things. I came in with a latte from dunken donuts. My best friend Victor as usual said he was going to come in early and ends up waltzing in at exactly 6:59… Mind you the graduation starts at 7:00PM and the grads are supposed to come 2 hours early.

Good fucking times man.

He had to rush and get his cap and gown which was kinda big on him then rush in line.

So we had the ceremony and my sister and mom came in after some dude had started the worst speech on his life ever. Boring doesn’t even start to describe it…

So after that everyone got there special awards and I got mind. I went up to the mike and was like “Wow, I’m really shocked because I thought xxx (my first crush) was going to get it”. Then everyone laughed… So after all that stuff we went back up to the second floor and I went up to Victor since I haven’t seen him all day and he was crying! He gripped me up so fast and we start hugging and stuff. It was awesome because we promised each other that night before that if one of us cries we would be there to cry also… I didn’t cry but I still was there for him which was awesome. Then I hugged the class douche bag which was awesome because I knew he always had a crush on me and I figured what the hell right? I hugged him and he had his arms away from me like he didn’t want to hug me back. Then he was trying to play it off saying “your to short to hug! Blah blah blah” …

I was waiting for my mom and sis to get where I was at so I could take pictures of my friends but they trying to get some food which was no where enough off by the way. :/ So then they called us again to have the class pictures and then we were off. I was hugging everybody, trying to get e-mails, and getting pictures taken. Then like the most awesome happened. Out of no where my crush came out of the wood works and gave me a hug… I won’t lie I was waiting for that hug for a long time and it was awesome. Then we and some of my class mates were getting our pictures taken. So my crush start taking pictures of me and my family and I just went out and said “You know, truth be told I have a crush on you for the longest” everyone was like shocked and he was like “what? Really?”. Like the best part was that I wasn’t afraid to tell him since we both already have someone and that I was over it… I was fine about it, and then I remember telling myself when I first started liking him that I will tell him that I liked him in gradation… I felt so good doing it too. Oh did I mention that he was engaged and had a set of twins coming? I knew that before my confession I was just letting on some major facts that made me get over that really fast XD.

After that me, victor, and my other class mate was talking and stuff for a while and went our separate ways. I almost forgot the girl that said she liked my final project, she goes by the name “Eevee”, her boyfriend (didn’t get the chance to get his name) and another one of her friends and former ITT grads came for the graduation. We talked more on the bus home and finally got her e-mail and number.

Once downtown me, mom and sis went to chilis and ate there. The food was really good and the dessert was awesome! It was a chocolate chip cake with ice cream on top with a chocolate shell! I was so full even before dessert but I managed to eat all the ice cream and take the cake home with me.

So much more happened in between but that is as much as I can get down. It was a very good day and I slept like a champion till I woke up with some horrible stomach pains. I think it has something with the food because I ate the rest of the left over’s, went to take a nap woke up and the same stomach pains came back. Thankfully they went away and will hopefully stay like that.

So that’s it. I wanted to tell everyone how great the day was.

I hope you enjoyed this post. It will probably be the last one about school for some time. XD

I will see you guys later!
