A post in ten (more like a half hour) mintues

• I’m going to my first anime convention this Friday through Sunday!
• I brought tons of craft stuff from Michaels for my deco-den needs! Even three frames to practice on.
• SO many updates and pretty art but don’t have enough time to comment on anything!
• People still insist to do more bitching about anime then drawing it! >XC
• Went over my boyfriend’s friend’s house yesterday and had a blast!
• My best friend’s B-day is tomorrow, I want to get him something nice for being an awesome friend!
• I drew on Sunday but didn’t have much inspiration. :C
• I had work on Saturday and it blew ass. But it was okay because that’s when I got my craft stuff.
• I still need more stuff for the convention! X0
• I got like 7 mangas over the pass two weeks since the borders express was moving locations.
• I want to draw fan art of my new mangas
• I want to start drawing my gift art for people!
• My eye was twitching for about a week now, but it stopped because I got away from the computer at work and home for about a day (Sunday)
• I need to charge my zune badly!
• I love you guys! Seriously!
