A really great day!

I rise again like a phoenix to give you updates! RAWR MUCH?

So I finally have time to do a real update and tell how much I love the day! Even though I had work (had to wake up at like 4:00AM) everything really turned around for me! I was stuck on RPO’s again which is super easy work (no outcalls or difficult processing) but boring too. The only thing to really pass the time is listening of my mp3 player and thinking deeply about something.

This reminds me I had my first evaluation at work. I was sooo nervous because I didn’t really know if I was doing things right or what. But I had a really good evaluation! Craig, my supervisor that I was where I should be when it comes to productivity level and my accuracy level was a bit over 97% . WTF… I was so surprised! I didn’t know I where doing so well. I’m so excited! He said that it was really strong, I take difficult calls, I’m always professional and I’m dependable. The only blemish was my tardiness which was because of the buses and a little situation that could have turned into a privacy issue. Other then that he said that with someone with my background coming right out of school I’m doing really well. I felt really good after that so much so that I was still nervous XD….

Getting back with today, after work I was going to go down to blick’s art store but I had to go to the bathroom really bad and get a transpass for next week. Well, going down to the sub station was a waste of time because the information/transit stand was close. So then I still had to go to the bathroom and now I’m super hungry. I go down the street to get me some fast sushi but the first place I went pass didn’t had any. I think for a second and figured that I can go to the bathroom at the mall down the street and check out the express borders to see if they were closing down. Well they were which is very saddening for me but on the plus side they still had manga for 65% off!!!

*Brain explosion*

So I pretty much ignore the fact that I had to go the bathroom and I was suppost to go to Blick’s art store. I racked up on some good titles. I ended up with 8 books, 7 being mangas and one book on business. The business book is really unconventional and just my style too, what a treat! It’s pretty much the author interviewing people about following your heart and inspiration as a business model rather then more rational, forced plan. Something that I think I run on as far a “business” goes. Even though I look for ways to have a good plan, but I end up following my feelings when it comes to the matter. Rather its laziness, inspiration, drawing, searching the internet endlessly, designing, or simply trying to connect with the people my target audience is, I always go where my heart is.

I’m so cheesy…

In craft news, I got around with playing with some of the new items that I brought from Michaels two weeks ago. I had some serious macaroons ideas in my head and started making a sugar incrusted macaroon with a vintage stamp on top. I think it’s going to but a necklace since the macaroon is too big to be anything else. I have the two pieces done I just need the whip cream filling more of the sugar around the edges, then finally a nice gloss finish on it. I also got to make the necklace part too, that should be fun. I haven’t done that in like a year.

I want to make mini sweet treat cell phone charms!!! D’:

Oh, I’ve been making small cakes too! I made two cakes and sliced them up a few days ago. Now I need to texture them and decide what I’m going to do with them. I think I should make ear rings and cell phone charms out of them. I’m not sure I just want to make some really cute stuff all day tomorrow.

Gosh, I forgot I about the con! Well it was super awesome. It was the best weekend ever. But I think I will save it for tomorrow or so when I post some pictures and the stuff I got. :3

I’m downloading some deco/Lolita mags too. You can find them here: http://ann-mich.livejournal.com/19915.html#cutid1

See ya later!
