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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

A really great day!

I rise again like a phoenix to give you updates! RAWR MUCH?

So I finally have time to do a real update and tell how much I love the day! Even though I had work (had to wake up at like 4:00AM) everything really turned around for me! I was stuck on RPO’s again which is super easy work (no outcalls or difficult processing) but boring too. The only thing to really pass the time is listening of my mp3 player and thinking deeply about something.

This reminds me I had my first evaluation at work. I was sooo nervous because I didn’t really know if I was doing things right or what. But I had a really good evaluation! Craig, my supervisor that I was where I should be when it comes to productivity level and my accuracy level was a bit over 97% . WTF… I was so surprised! I didn’t know I where doing so well. I’m so excited! He said that it was really strong, I take difficult calls, I’m always professional and I’m dependable. The only blemish was my tardiness which was because of the buses and a little situation that could have turned into a privacy issue. Other then that he said that with someone with my background coming right out of school I’m doing really well. I felt really good after that so much so that I was still nervous XD….

Getting back with today, after work I was going to go down to blick’s art store but I had to go to the bathroom really bad and get a transpass for next week. Well, going down to the sub station was a waste of time because the information/transit stand was close. So then I still had to go to the bathroom and now I’m super hungry. I go down the street to get me some fast sushi but the first place I went pass didn’t had any. I think for a second and figured that I can go to the bathroom at the mall down the street and check out the express borders to see if they were closing down. Well they were which is very saddening for me but on the plus side they still had manga for 65% off!!!

*Brain explosion*

So I pretty much ignore the fact that I had to go the bathroom and I was suppost to go to Blick’s art store. I racked up on some good titles. I ended up with 8 books, 7 being mangas and one book on business. The business book is really unconventional and just my style too, what a treat! It’s pretty much the author interviewing people about following your heart and inspiration as a business model rather then more rational, forced plan. Something that I think I run on as far a “business” goes. Even though I look for ways to have a good plan, but I end up following my feelings when it comes to the matter. Rather its laziness, inspiration, drawing, searching the internet endlessly, designing, or simply trying to connect with the people my target audience is, I always go where my heart is.

I’m so cheesy…

In craft news, I got around with playing with some of the new items that I brought from Michaels two weeks ago. I had some serious macaroons ideas in my head and started making a sugar incrusted macaroon with a vintage stamp on top. I think it’s going to but a necklace since the macaroon is too big to be anything else. I have the two pieces done I just need the whip cream filling more of the sugar around the edges, then finally a nice gloss finish on it. I also got to make the necklace part too, that should be fun. I haven’t done that in like a year.

I want to make mini sweet treat cell phone charms!!! D’:

Oh, I’ve been making small cakes too! I made two cakes and sliced them up a few days ago. Now I need to texture them and decide what I’m going to do with them. I think I should make ear rings and cell phone charms out of them. I’m not sure I just want to make some really cute stuff all day tomorrow.

Gosh, I forgot I about the con! Well it was super awesome. It was the best weekend ever. But I think I will save it for tomorrow or so when I post some pictures and the stuff I got. :3

I’m downloading some deco/Lolita mags too. You can find them here: http://ann-mich.livejournal.com/19915.html#cutid1

See ya later!

a real interview? D:

Hey all!

I finally got around making another journal post. My internet just came back after the shit went down for like a day. I swear I hate Verizon sometimes; every so often this would happen. So gay… Anyway things are okay, I got two good job opportunities coming my way in the graphic design field. The first one is at some super corporate office type place called Vanguard. They are going to be at ITT and I got an interview with then on Thursday. My boyfriend looked up the company since my internet was down. We really didn’t find much information on it at all. They just kept saying the same thing over and over nothing really in-depth on what they were about. A bit un-nerving seeing that I’m going to have an interview with them on Thursday and not to know anything about them… The career service lady told me that a lot of grads started there and the company comes down to hire workers even on the spot. They even start at 14 bucks an hour. I can use that A LOT. So I’m hoping that goes well.

The other opportunity is that my sister saw an old friend of hers during a vendor last night that works at a graphic design company. She saw my logo that I made for my sister’s company and really liked it. She said that her job is always hiring and gave my sis her card and my sister is suppose to call her back. The old friend is making 20 bucks an hour. I’m not sure if that’s the entry salary but those are impressive numbers. I wouldn’t mind working in the graphic design but it’s so hard to get in the door being that the job market is total shit right now. So I’m hoping one of those pulls through for me. I can REALLY use it. I can save up for the con that’s coming in November and for my own business. This gives the butterflies thinking that I won’t get a job and I still will be trying to get commissions off the net. MEH…

Other then that….I’ve been drawing a lot trying to do different things with my work. I want it to be more impressive and strong. I want to start doing backgrounds and just do more since I got the time. That’s why I’ve been uploading so much. I still have things I can throw up here that I need to scan again since I F’ed it up last time. I still need to color a lot of other pictures that I done including my latest picture “ichigo’s candies”. I’m really excited to color that and I think I’m addicted to drawing candies and sweet’s now. I want to do more pictures of that theme. I have another one in the works too, its more of a circus/gothic Lolita theme. I’m pretty amped about it.

Other then that I made more charms that I need to glaze and make some necklaces out of. Its little themed lattés, they are really cute and I can’t wait till I can stop being lazy and get them up here.

Oh and guest who decides to show up? That same toxic friend I had that big fallout with last year. She called me and it seemed like nothing changed as far as the whole toxic-ness of her aura. She was talking about her other friend that she had (after I dropped from the picture). How she was fake and untrustworthy. How she made her cry because she was pointing out all of her the flaws and etc. I couldn’t feel but justified because karma bit her HARD in the ass. See got a good taste of what I went through.

She asked if she can come over and I said sure just to see what she was up to and to get my freak’n Princess miyu CD back. Which looked like she was using it as a damn coaster or something :|… I just it doesn’t matter much since I downloading the OST myself… While she was over she expressed about hanging out again. I really didn’t say anything, and then while we were both drawing she asked if I missed her. I was like “uh.” I surly wasn’t going to lie to her. But before I could say anything more she was like “I know what’s it like to not miss nobody either” not in a way that to offend me or anything but in agreement. I was glad she said it and not me because I don’t want to say anything that and might start something totally unnecessary. Like a 10-15 minutes later she left out.

I can’t really say that I want that friendship back it’s just too much of a pain and I feel like my focus and energies would change because of it. I don’t need that in my life. I glad she’s okay and all that but I don’t think we well be “friends” at least on my end.

Oh yeah, one last thing. I tried the SAI program…. It owns Photoshop in getting clean line art. I love it to pieces. I just got to get use to it more.

Anyway, thanks for listening! I hope everyone is having a good week. And I will see you soon.

A happy post!

Hey party people it’s another yours truly update!

To first start off I’m in the new school quarter with only two classes a week. I love the new schedule; I have all the time I need to do everything I want. I also found about my grades and I passed all of them! Including the one with the really shitty teacher. I got a B in her class. So all is well in school.

Oh yeah, I’m going to have to take an extra class next quarter because if I don’t I have to pay for the one class “cap stone” out of pocket. So yeah another two day classes next quarter too. So I have to figure out which class I’m going to take over. I’m thinking about taking web design again. I really want to get into it again; it’s really fun to do. Then I’m thinking maybe flash or after effects. I never really got into flash as much as I wanted to last time and I want to learn how to animate as well.

Hmm, decisions decisions.

While I’m in the home run of my college I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to do after ITT Tech. I’ve decided to go to an art college (wow surprising). But I want to go learn the fine arts/studio arts. I really want to learn painting, watercolor, sculpture and etc. But not only that but I want to be around other artist too. What I really like about ITT is that it’s small and family like so you know a lot of the people that go to school with you. They have all kinds of personalities and interests so it’s a breath of fresh air every week. I want that in art school too. I love being at home doing my own thing but able to be around other people like now is so awesome. I never was happy in school till ITT. Its really awesome to say that :3.

So now I’m on the hunt for an art school that’s right for me. I want to learn more formal stuff but want to be able to do my graphic arts too for good measure. If I can find a school that I can chose what classes I want to take that would be awesome. There are a few open houses of art schools around my area so I’m going to make a portfolio and go to them and see what happens. I just sketched the living room area where the TV is to get a feel for perspective and stuff. I can’t wait to see what’s in store!

On other note, my sisters lip gloss business is doing good! She and my mom went in a few salons yesterday to sell some and did well. She had enough to get really nice bag for her projects. Even a salon owner wants a meeting with her this week since she wants to do make up in her store too! My logo design has caught some attention too! People really like it and that’s great. That can open the door for some free lance jobs in the future. My sister said I should make some business cards for my designs so she can hand them out as well as her own. Sounds like a plan to me!

I have been working on the mew tutorial again on and off. I’m on the part of making personalities and it can be a pain in the ass. But I’ll get through it with grace… Again :. Continuing on the same topic I did another comic page for TMM sweets collection. I have yet to ink in any of the new ones though. I will soon I know I will. I hope! XP

I hope everyone is doing just as good! That’s all for now!

Thanks for all the comments, hugs and favorites. ALWAYS appreciated. :3
