The beginning of something wonderful


I’m so dying to getting to know my peers and future target audience for my upcoming little Shoppe, The Candy Sanctuary.

I need to know what you like, enjoy and have fun wearing. I’m trying to set everything up one at a time so I can keep an even flow of energy. I don’t want to rush and get thrown off like I did numerous times before. I’m sick of not getting to where I need to get to. I really want this to work right and I will do all I can for it. This means I really got to be in tune with my heart, passion, and just life. Learn to listen to the signs and let things fall in place right in front of me. There’s nothing more then a will planed strategy and this is it. Take your time and follow your instincts… let that guide you rather then the need of survival and having to control everything in your life. Let life work for you and not the other way around. When you let the universe (or whatever you what to call it) work for you rather then against you, some magical things can happen. And I want that in my life, right now. I finally got the resources now it’s the time to act full force without stopping. With everything I got, no matter what the cost. I know I will be awarded for my efforts and bravery.

I hope you enjoyed my little rant or inspirational speech on what’s it like to be human with some serious drive.

But really? What do you think of decoden, I’m trying to give into peoples heads here. I really don’t care if you buy it or not. That’s not what I’m aiming for. I just really just what the overall connection with someone like myself. That’s what I want to do. Design, to those who are like me. They what to be artistic, cool, and just different. That’s what I what to die doing because I was born doing it. I what to know how it feels to really live off your creations and enjoy your career. Even though I have a really good job pay wise, its just not what I what to do for very long. When I’m there I struggle against work, boredom and a raging creativity bug that bites every so often. Its like a disease and I have to cure it, any way I can. I just can’t sit and not draw or not thing about drawing. I have to create something, or I’ll just burst into pieces. I’m not sure if anyone gets me but if you do give me a shout. About anything, I want to know who’s really reading this on the other side of my computer. I really what to have some kind of connection on what may be right for my career and future plans.

I hope everyone has a really good night. And yes, this was definitely one of those creatively bursts I was talking about. Ha-ha!
