I hurt people in my sleep...

How’s everyone’s morning? It’s the weekend so everyone must be sleeping or relaxing haha.

I completely forgot to mention that I brought pokemon soul sliver on Thursday! The last pokemon game I ever played was the original silver, but some jerk off stole it. After that I didn’t even bother with the other game after it (or was too broke to buy it). Though, when someone steals your pokemon game, you kind of lose the drive to be a pokemon master. :\ Doesn’t matter now because I’m coming out of retirement and ready to kick some 10 year old ass! >:D

Besides that, I made more orders for my craft business. There’s a link to it in my candy sanctuary world if you’re interested in reading about it. I’ve been jotting down some pretty good ideas about what I want to make. One of the things I really want to make is some realistic cupcakes. But I had a pretty interesting idea about the paper cup it’s in. I was thinking if I could possibly make my own? I can get some fancy scrapbook paper and border cutters so I can make my own paper cups! I drew down a pattern and tried it out with some flimsy printer paper. To my surprise it worked like a charm! I’m so excited to really try it out with real scrapbook paper but I will have to go up to Michaels to get some. That and some border cutters which can be really expensive. D: I hope they have a sell on that stuff soon.

I’ve been commenting a lot lately which is really nice! I also notice that I’m not playing FF13 nonstop to distract myself from my negative thoughts. It’s great to feel “normal” again. I felt like I was wasting away on the coach playing video games all day. To make it worst, time just flew by. It’s like someone started messing with the flow of time or something. I felt bad because there were so many things I want/need to do, but I wasn’t up to it. Luckily that state of mind didn’t last long and now I’m focus on my wants and needs again.

I explained this on my blog but I’ll say it here too, I’m in the middle of a new line art! It’s called “love is for suckers” I probably don’t have to explain the meaning behind it XD. I love the way its coming out! I had a tough time thinking up a good outfit for myself in the picture, but after a few tries I got something I really like! I should have it done today and posted.

I think that’s all for today. I’m tired of typing and I want to get started on the lineart again.

Oh yeah, today I woke up swinging my arm up trying to slap someone in a dream. XD I was under the covers so when I did that a flood of light came rushing in my eyes… AWESOME. That’s the second time of my life I acted out physically in a dream. The last time was when I was in elementary school. I was punching a girl I hated in a dream and woke up punching my pillow. XD

Yeah, I’m part psycho. D:<
