My Trip to Atlantic City!

Caution this post is 2 pages long!

Hey guys!

I’m back from Atlantic City (since 12:00AM this morning)! Thanks to Angel, Moon lit, and Noir for the comments on my last journal post! I had so much fun and a great time. I can say it was one of the best days I had in life. :3

I really did, we arrived there around 1-2PM in the afternoon. We were trying to get there sooner but my sister was on the phone to see which grey hound stop we could go on. But no one was on the line! So when we decided to go to the gray hound station downtown. The bus ride wasn’t bad, it was less then 2 or so hours. I had my Zune baby (my Zune HD, yes I name my electronics don’t judge me) with me so I was entertained with music of my favorite animes, videos, and make believe raves inside my head.

We got off the Hilton casino hotel/ and started taking pictures in front of the fountain they had. It was really nice. My sister had a hot pink Maxi dress on with a blue shirt under it. I had a Gir t-shirt and my hot topic shorts on. I wanted to look brighter as for as colors but my yellow hello kitty shirt didn’t look right. SO I was wearing all black with bright printed colors of the gir shirt and my ear rings. Yes I wore ear rings XD…Not often I do that plus I don’t owe a lot of pairs. In fact I only have 2 that I wear.

Anyway we went to the beach and OMG I forgot how awesome/wonderful/jezz worthy the beach was. You can smell the salt in the ear. Hear the seagulls which sound like a whole lot of monkeys for some reason XD. When you walk on the beach in the middle of the day the sand really hot! I was walking like a total retard because the sand was hot and there were broken sea shells everywhere. After walking for a few minutes I got use to it and the sea shells didn’t get in my foot. Since its sand and all it sinks under your foot. Me and my sister walked and took pictures at the beach. And we even wrote HI FB (face book) in the sand.

After that we went to a mall to find a good place to eat. We got lead to a really good seafood restaurant called “Philips”. Me and my sister had crab stuffed mushrooms for the appetizer. THEY WORE HEAVEN STUFFED MUSHROOMS. It was a burst of flavor when you bit into it. There were only 3 of those (me and sis shared) but I could of use 5. XD

For the main course I had shrimp scampi with linguini noodles (read BUTTER, BUTTER, BUTTER, GARILC, SHRIMPS, NOODLES, AND CALINTRO.) My sister had crab macaroni and cheese which was the BEST and I mean the very BEST macaroni and cheese I ever had on earth. The noodles weren’t even the macaroni kind it was bowl shaped. When the food got to us the waiter took the mac and chesse and dumped it on top on two huge garlic bead slices. HOLY SHET. Me and my sister was taking each other food mostly me because her dish was SO good. The really cool part was when we were about to leave the waiter give us a small cheese cake with a little candle in it since it was my sister’s birthday! It was topped with tons of whipped cream, some mint, and a raspberry. That didn’t stand a chance either and the plate was sparkling clean when we were done. XD

There were a lot of psychic places and we saw one before we ate so we went inside one to take a look. This was the first time I went to a “psychic” but I can tell you the lady/place rubbed me the wrong way. They had a palm reading special both hands for 10 dollars which seemed fair, but WTF if the lady was as good of psychic as she could rehearsed the flem flam she called a “reading” the she would be Sylvia brown. I just stood there in front of them when my sister got her “reading”. I knew there were frauds out there so I listed carefully to what she was saying. Holy crap were the shet she was talking were so overly generic it was ridiculous. She was talking about my sister had strong roots, creative, was going to have 2-3 childen. She wasn’t going to die in a car crash and was meant to live a long life. In the middle of the reading the lady told me to sit down. I incredibly put OFF by it and really felt that they were putting up a front. I was going to skip my reading but I wanted to be sure that I was right. I got my reading but it was by her sister. I tell you no lie when the sister told me the same crap that my sister was told. She was generalizing everything and she was completely off with my palm reading. She asked if I wanted to go deeper with some tarot cards for 20 bucks more but I heard enough. My sister felt the same way till she went deeper with the tarot cards. Which make sense because the cards tell you the information and what ever the reader picks up is extra. Pretty much you can give anyone a reading as long you know the meaning of the cards/a book to tell you. In a nut shell I paid $10 to conform that place was a scam aside my sister tarot reading that she thought was accurate.

We talked about our readings then were back to the beach. We took even more pictures when we walked down the oceans edge. The one scary part was when the wave went up near our bags. We placed them up near the beach’s hill so we could take some pictures. My sister and I were in the water when we saw the wave going straight towards our bags (aka my Zune baby! D:) We went running in to get our bags and water and sand got on our clothes! Thankfully the wave went really close to our bags but didn’t touch them. D: I would have died if I saw my stuff floating on top of the water. After that ordeal we took more pictures and down the beach. Then that’s when we went to the casino!

The casino was so nice! Tons of colors, sounds, smells, and sites. It’s like an overload of the senses I swear. The slots were full of colors, sounds, and just visual stuff. They even had touch screen ones. I can see how people can sit and play for hours since there so much going on to stimulate you. The first slots we went to had the traditional rolling kind with a touch screen on top. When you got a match of whatever item you got to play a mini game on the touch screen. It was a matching game that you had matched 3 of the same number of free games. The slot would turn that many times and you can rack up points/money. I won a bit (not much at all) but quickly lost it. XD Then the drink lady came around and my sister got a drink and I got a soda!

We went to another slot were I won 11 dollars on the first few tries! I cashed out after that then played the rest of my money. It was getting late so we packed it in. I took my 11 dollar ticket and turned it into cash (yay!). Trying to get home was the most frustrating thing ever. At the Hilton the bus to philly was going to come at 11:00PM it was 9 something at that time and we wasn’t trying to wait. One of the workers said that a bus going to philly was going to be at another casino two blocks away at 9:30PM . It was around 9:00PM so we rushed down there as fast as we can. Only to hear that philly bus was coming at 1:10AM, like wtf. So we were told wrong, and the desk person said that another philly bus was going to be at a casino 12 blocks away at 10:00PM! It was before 9:30 so we took the risk and started hustling down the street. We saw a taxi and he took us to the casino! About 15 minutes of asking and waiting our bus finally came. Not only that but the bus was going to stop at a grey hound stop was near our house! When we finally got home it was around midnight.

Overall I had a really great time. Even though my body is sore from walking on the beach today. XD

If anyone had the attention span to read all this then thank you! I know this was on of my longest posts ever but I wanted to tell you guys all about it.

Thanks again and I’ll see you later!
