Yesterday was such a great day!

Since the weather was so nice I decided to get out the house and have some much needed fun! I left out around11AM after I posted my nyaf moon background. It was really early for me since I usually leave around 12-1PM for my outings. I went straight to downtown and ate at Bento Tokyo that’s in the underground of the city. OMG their food is SO good and fresh it totally set the mood for my whole day! I had their seafood udon, which is really thick noodles in a light broth that had some octopus, squid, clams, and veggies in it. It also came with a really yummy salad for an appetizer. I completely fell in love when I tasted the broth. It was just a PERFECT meal.

After I ate there I went to borders to see if I wanted some manga. Well, I have to say I haven’t been so excited over mangas in 3 years. There were a lot of titles that I wanted! A lot of them to my surprise were shoujo titles. Since I’ve been watching yumeiro patissiere my ultra sugary core have been leaking out into my taste in manga. XD The cheesy romantic isn’t as damning as it use to be to me. Then I LOVE the style of shoujo, the big eyes, excessive use of sparkle tones and the general lay out of panels (almost crowded with lots of tones and angles) makes me want to buy it. The only thing about it was the damn people sitting/standing in the aisle reading manga. The aisle is not wide or long so it was a pain in the ass to wait for folks to move or to say excuse me to get to one end to the other. At the end I didn’t buy manga but brought books on chakras, spiritual marketing, and a book light!

I wanted to see if I there was good dvds I can get my dad for father’s day so I went to FYE that was across the street. I asked about Godzilla movies (my dad LOVES Godzilla) to an associate there and he lead me to another lady that lead me to the movies. The lady associate saw my hoodie vest that had unicorns on it and she started talking about the movie “the last unicorn”. I never saw the movie myself but she took me over the kid movies where it was at. There were tons of old school cartoon dvds that I loved as a child, so looked around to see a Looney Toons dvd collection! My brain exploded when I saw the sweet price of 25 bucks! Me and my dad LOVE Looney Tunes and we often talk about so I KNEW THIS WAS MEANT TO BE. >:D I did see some good Godzilla movies after the fact but there was no way I would let this LT DVD out of my hands. XD I got some almond crushed pocky and went to the check out. To my surprise the DVD was even cheaper at 15 bucks! I love when things come together!

The rest of the day was just as awesome. I went to a new frozen yogurt place and found ice cream place across the street from it. I took the bus to penns landing and read a bit there. The damn bugs were using me as landing pad but I still got a good read out of my books. While walking to the subway I got more ATC blanks for 2 bucks each! When I got home it was just before 8PM. Then this morning I felt so damn blissful even though I had a dream about going back to vanguard. WTF D:

Thanks for reading! Sorry that this was so long, have a great day guys. XD
