The Candy Sanctuary Fan Page is now open!

After a few exhausting days working and messing with my fan page, it is now complete and I can start updating my craft and art status in one place. Take a look, promote, become a fan if you can.

A lot of my pictures I wanted to work on have been put on hold as well. I’m pretty worn out too, I was rushing a bit at the end then being on the computer all day for days really sucked the energy out of me. So I’ll take a break from the nets and get creative again with more atcs’s, clay cakes, sai, and photoshop! XD

Oh yeah in more exciting news I just ordered envelopes and gift bags for my business. They should be able store my charms and things safely with a touch of cute to it. And even MORE exciting news my shower is fixed! The shower was broken for months so we had to take baths. NO ONLY THAT but we had to fill the tub (which the coating of it is chipping off btw) with water from the bathroom sink and then pour it into the tub. The pipes of the shower/bath would leak every time someone would turn it on. Even the ceiling started leaking. *A* But its fixed now and my family can have showers again. All thanks to my dad that paying for it all since my mom LOVES to NOT do anything or slow poke on things that needs to be done in the house.

I guess that’s all I have to say for now. I’m going to get off here eat, have me an ice cream cone, and take me a much needed rest from the working on the net.
