Feeling better :)

Hey everybody!

I’m feeling better today and wanted to express my thanks for everyone’s comments, concern, and advice. I appreciate it deeply since I wasn’t in a very happy place at the time. It’s good to know that I have sweet and caring friends here. *hugs you all so epically*

In the pass few days I was feeling a bit burned out by being on the computer so much. I was in a bit of a rut so I kept myself off the computer and working on it. It helps to ease my mind off of things that I’m trying to get done like my blogger page. I’m working on the design of it for my Candy Sanctuary Blog. I wanted to be very sweet with lots of pastels colors with a random girl on it. I got some of it done but I have a long way to go.

I have a way to stress myself out a bit when it comes to work. Not just any kind of work, but when it’s the candy sanctuary related. I’m always in a rush in a way, like things have to be done at the end of the day when it doesn’t. It’s not going any where and I don’t have any deadlines to fill. It’s all on my time and I need to release a lot of the stresses I’m putting on my stuff with it so I can enjoy it more.

What really helps when I’m on my “down time” on the net is going outside in the sun and bumming around. I have to find something minor and get into my 10 year old mind set and enjoy life with out worrying about stuff. That really helps me get back into the mood with everything. I went to the market today with my sister and her boyfriend. That little bit of time outside of the house really helped (that and having food in the house). I feel creative again and ready to get things done. I wasn’t doing much on anything, commenting, relying, or posting. I just didn’t have the energy for it when I really wanted to. Luckily I’m getting to know my work patterns more so I can make a schedule for myself.

I also want to learn how to drive. I didn’t want to before at all but in recent weeks or even a few days ago I wanted to learn. I also want to take steps to possibly moving out. I’m just so sick of the neighbor situation and the situation with the house that I think it’s better to move out. That’s all I’ve been day dreaming about lately too haha. The things I would have in my house, the food I would buy and other stuff. I’m hoping that things get better before I make a serious commitment to it though. In the mean time I just want to take steps into being more independent.

Oh and I finally picked the winner for the Otaku Battle Royale contest!

The first prize winner is chel the bell. I really love her story like description and her unique powers. Not to mention the design of the character that fights for her. Chel wants me to draw her character in OBR and I’m like OH HELLS YEAH DUDE.

Second prize goes to FUNimation: I really enjoyed her super huge and vivid description about her entry. The kingdom hearts inspired design was also a plus because I know she enjoys the video game, and it’s nice to see that twist on her self as an otaku fighter.

Lastly the 3nd prize goes to: http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/335035/otaku_battle_royal%3A_theblackerspot/for her amazing movie poster like picture and the awesome power that she has. I was super impressed when I first saw the entry and still is.

There were tons to pictures that I loved too but I’ll post about those next time since it’s already long as it is. Thanks again everyone and take care!
