Another wip

Aye guys I just wanted to throw up another wip of my latest picture since I’m having a good time with it so far!

In the inking process I usually use the pen tool but I decided to try the “ink pen” tool instead. MAN I love it. It gets the lines the proper curve and line weight the way I like it. I have to go over some of the line art of the clothes again but I’m pretty happy how it’s all turning out. I can’t wait to try my hand at cell shading again too. I tried it about 2 days ago and didn’t like it much (I have to post that too) since sai has a HUGE learning curve but I’m going to keep trying.

On another wip note, I’m almost done my chunky macaroon ds charm! I just have to attach everything together and take pictures; you guys are going to love it I promise! Today I was thinking about other accessories I could make myself like rings and such. Then the awesome idea of a cream puff necklace with a spoon sticking out of it came to me. I totally love that idea, and then I could make ear rings and a bracelet to match. It’s a shame because there won’t be many warmer days left for me to show off my works haha.

One last thing that I need to do is that cute meme that’s been going around. I got it in word I just need to edit some parts. XD

That’s about all it. I’ll make a real post soon as well as finish some of my works that I started. See you guys later!
