I'm an internnnnnn...

Hello and welcome! Yours Truly is here typing to you from NBC 10 building BSing on the computer!

Soooo as stated in past posts I have my computer back and its even faster then before! But the down side is that my media player always close down when I open it. Now I was real player for all my media needs... That's right, you win real player...

Besides that I've been drawing AND coloring! Has the world ended or something? I always too lazy to color jack! I sparked my love for coloring again when I colored a my KH self last week. I got lots of pictures to show and tell. I can't wait to get them up here.

I"m also getting used to my tablet, I want to ink in a picture with it soon and really start drawing some awesome pictures with it! My older sister loves it too, she just learning photoshop so this will help her too. I colored a picture with the tablet and with the help of Zambi's tut and I think it when okay. I just need a good background :P.

I need to color my halloween picture.

I shall post soon and try sign more guest books!

Take care!
