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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

I'm an internnnnnn...

Hello and welcome! Yours Truly is here typing to you from NBC 10 building BSing on the computer!

Soooo as stated in past posts I have my computer back and its even faster then before! But the down side is that my media player always close down when I open it. Now I was real player for all my media needs... That's right, you win real player...

Besides that I've been drawing AND coloring! Has the world ended or something? I always too lazy to color jack! I sparked my love for coloring again when I colored a my KH self last week. I got lots of pictures to show and tell. I can't wait to get them up here.

I"m also getting used to my tablet, I want to ink in a picture with it soon and really start drawing some awesome pictures with it! My older sister loves it too, she just learning photoshop so this will help her too. I colored a picture with the tablet and with the help of Zambi's tut and I think it when okay. I just need a good background :P.

I need to color my halloween picture.

I shall post soon and try sign more guest books!

Take care!

Computer f*cked, need inpso, OMFG tablet

Kay folks its yours truly with another update in " too many problems channel news!" (echo echo)

SOooooo come to find out when we came back to get the computer back to see whats really worng with it that we found out that cpu on the mother broad is dead as well the power supply.... O___O WTF...

But my hard drive is OKAY so my files and shit should still be there. We even made a back up just in case.

But again since the computer gods probably hate me for all the bad computer karma I gather since I got the computer, my programs our gone! photosshop, after effects, dream weaver and whatever else is fliping gone. I could of ate a toddler and start speaking in touge when I heard that shit. I was cussing SO much. It wasn't pretty.

Even though I coughcoughpriratedcoughcough the programs it didn't make it any better. I have to install the bitches ALL OVER again...>{ I should still have the files that the programs was on in the hard drive so I'm praying to the computer gods that its there along with my other shit I Have in my hard drive.

I had so much shit! Programs, stock images, yaoi (har har), free games, and music...

Then they had the nerve to try to sell us a out of the box computer thats been gathering dust for three months! that runs slower and don't have that much memory!

I was ready to kill... seriously...

But I told my mom I wanted to wait and check out some other options before I get another crack head computer made from compac... Should but comcrap!

So come to find out my mom payed to get a year warrenty a week before when we try to get help on the phone for it and the company would fix our shit for about 200 bucks and we should have it in about one or two weeks. So we went with that. F you circet city or how ever you spell it...


I just got it yeterday when we came to get the computer so we can ship it of to computer heaven I mean hospital!

Now when I get my crap computer back I can flipping draw and color on the computer! Yayness to the exteme!

I really need my computer... I'm so uncreative and extra lazy in the day time... I can draw at night but don't draw as long since my bed time habits had changed... Sucks. I'm in a rough spot right now but I will get over it... Hopefuly before my computer comes back... : and not having cable doesn't help either...

so till then

I stall post again since I like put my problems indirectly on my friends... or just to get it out my system -__-0...

