Holy fucking shit, I has HEEEEAAAATTTT :D

I have no clue what to say.. I really don't...

The guys came over and replaced the heater and water heater for the house. I can feel warmth coming from the radiators and I could cry ;-;.

It’s been over a year since the heater was broken. SO many days of a running nose just for sitting here because its simply as cold as the outside, so many times where I couldn’t sleep at night because it was just so cold and it took all night for my toes to warm up because I need to/want to work on something on the computer, SO MANY TIMES I cried because I was so depressed, so many times where I just wanted to leave and never come back. I just wanted something to go right for a change WITHOUT a price. FINALLY, FINALLY.

TWO winters of no heat but bull shit space heaters that only heated the air around it. Oh god, it’s just so many emotions that I’m feeling right now. I can finally be warm; I can finally WORK on my shop and my pictures with out my fingers getting frost bite. I can know that I have a creative outlet besides my tiny room and desk. I can finally breathe a little easier. Yeah, food is scarce, yeah money is low as a roach’s ass but I can know I’m coming to a warm house. I can final do want I love and make money off it and make my dream career out of it. I can reach for my goal faster and stronger and not cold and depressed because I want to feel like this is an escape or a way to fix it or if I don’t I’ll lose my mind.

Oh god, I can cry but I don’t want to because I’m sick of it even it those tears are from joy. I just want to enjoy this. Such, a foreign feeling of actually feeling the house being warm and not worrying about bringing down the heater and knowing that my feet are going to be cold any way. Just, a wonderful feeling…

Just fucking wonderful. :)

Oh yeah, I just made my commissions world and posted a new picture so check it out :)
