Earringz and la arts >:D

Warning this is more light hearted and happy post and probably won't exceed a page.

I making some Victorian/steam punk earrings! This is the first time making earrings or anykind of jewerly and I love it! I started on the first earring of the pair two days ago. It was crash course on making earrings it took 2-3 hours to complete most of the time with spend trying to tie a bow. It was a pain in the ass because the tutorials were lacking some details but I made it through and now I can make them on the fly.

I'm now making the second one and its much easier and quicker to do. I'm just waiting for the fraying liquid (it makes the unraveling of the fiber stop and harden) to dry so I can make a bow out of that one too. After that I'm done! I'm so happy and proud of myself! I've skecthed a lot of ideas of jewerly and can't wait to try them all. The next big project I want to tackle is a brooch, braclet, and a pearl chocker. I have the house camera too so I will take picture of all my creations and post them up! I really excited about this and with my new schedule coming up I'll have more time to do stuff.

I also posted some new pictures over the last two days so check them out and give them some of that TheO love. I'm going to draw more today so watch out for more art!
