Miracle at Mount Juliet Church 2/7/10

Hello, guys! Okay, I have some incredible news for you all today, and it's just amazing! I was talking to my best friend, Butterscotch at around 3:30pm, and we were just being silly. I was all sad because of some stuff that has been going on lately, and we started talking about church ans having a sleepover next weekend. I told her I'd like to get together on Friday night because I wanted to go to my own church next week. Well, I told her all about my Transitional pastor and about how great he was as a pastor, and then when I was done, she told me that something wonderful had happened at her church.
Her Aunt Jackie was dying of a blood clot and was going to die today. But, during church, Butterscotch's Nanna went up to the altar to pray for Jackie. See, there was a huge group of people surrounding the altar and the pastor, and Nanna was at the very end of the group. She waited there, praying for Jackie, and then, the pastor, without hearing her, pushed through the crowd and came up to her. He awoke her from her prayer and told Nanna that Jackie was healed. Nana didn't know what to think of that because for starters, the pastor had never met Jackie because she lived in California. Nanna, shocked, asked him what he had said. He told her again that Jackie was healed. After church, Nanna went home and phoned Jackie. They were both so excited and fought over who could talk first. Nanna told Jackie that she prayed for her today at the altar. Jackie, after Nanna was done, told her that she was feeling very ill, but all of a sudden, she was healed! They were both so excited and they praised the Lord.
Now everyone, that is a miracle! The pastor had no idea who Jackie was! That was Jesus Christ speaking through him! How amazing is that? Jesus heals! He is the true Messiah! God is the only true God! Hallelujah, Jesus for saving a life!
Now, I have a prayer for all who see this. I don't know anyone really on here, but I do know that there will be people who look at this story of a true miracle and think to themselves, "Who is this Jesus Christ that this girl speaks about?" and many of those same people may ask themselves, "Is this true?" and maybe, "I need Jesus, but who do I ask and how do I get him?" I asked the same questions. I feel that the Holy Spirit draws people to God in various and mysterious ways. So if you are one of the people who want Christ to come into your life but don't know how to make it happen, read this prayer with me and believe.

"Oh Father in Heaven, so many times I have failed you. So many times I have shut the door on you. But Lord, I believe that you have sent you righteous and Holy son to take my burdens and flaws away. Through your son, Jesus Christ, I am washed White as snow. Lord, I pray that you forgive me again for going so long without taking your offering, your ransom. Father, I believe in your sacrifice and I know that you sent your son to pay for my sins. Lord, come into my heart to dwell and fill me with your Holy spirit. Come in my heart to stay, and change me into the person you have designed me to be. I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen."
