Hello, all. I am Taigapakkunari4ev. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I have centered my life around my faith. I find joy sharing His word with others, so once I figure out how to post things up here, I will do so.

The path of Christ is a difficult journey that will change you forever.

Are you up for the trek?

Out From The Clutches of Death

Hello again, friends! It's been a while since I last posted! lol. The last post I put up was during Summer Break. Sadly, Summer is over...I've been back in school for about 4 weeks now. I am starting 5 this week! yay...lol. Well, last week something amazing happened that I have never experienced before! I am in the 8th grade now, and I have all sorts of teachers for my classes. Well, everyone in the school knows that I am a Christian and they just go along with it, and all of my teachers know I am a believer because all that I do in my work comes back to Jesus somehow. The way they all know that I believe is because I write and tell about him indirectly, so I have never just come up to a teacher and said: "Hey, I like Jesus. Do you?" Y'know? But, I recently prayed to Jesus for him to take me out of my comfort zone and to use this year as ministry, and I was scared to death because I knew he was going to do it, but this is something I have to do. So anyways, my math teacher, Ms.Christopher, was out all week. not the week that just happened, but the week before...Aug.23-27. I asked the substitute where she was, and she told the class that her mom was in the hospital and shew was going to see her every day. I was worried. So, that week, I prayed over her mom at home and during class to myself. Over that weekend, the thought still rang in my mind that her mom may be dying. I had a random thought that maybe it was cancer. On monday, I was hoping to talk to Ms. Christopher once everyone was dismissed (since obviously, she was back at school) but I chickened out. The next day, I believe God gave me strength to do this, but once all the kids were gone, I went over to her and asked how her mom was. She was dying with some stomach cancer and the Chemo-therapy was not helping her. She was even on a breathing machine. I was sad, but I was kind of shocked that she actually had cancer like the random though I had the weekend before. So, there was a moment of silence, and I was thinking in my head how I was going to go about this. She didn't know I was a believer yet, and I didn't know where her faith was. But, God gave me courage to ask her anyways. "Ms. Christopher, I don't know where you lie in faith, but I feel like we need to pray over your mom." she let me pray with her that day, and we prayed that her mom would be healed in the name of Jesus, and I prayed that whatever happened, that she and her mom be shown the glory and mercy of God. Well, we finished and I went home. I continued to pray for her mom that night. I went to school the next day and I had in my mind, "I don't care if Ms. Christopher tells me anything, her mom is being healed." I had that mindset in me all that day. She said nothing about her mom all day Tuesday. Wednesday came along and I no longer prayed for her healing, but I told myself that she WAS healed! No other option. She WAS healed. When I came to math class that day, I had that in my mind that she WAS heal;ed. When they called car riders, I was getting ready to leave when Ms. Christopher came to my desk and told me something that struck me speechless: "My mom took a turn for the better." I just looked at her and said: "Praise God!" I was near tears, but that was the most amazing moment of my life! She IS healed, and they WERE shown the Glory of God that day! Hallelujah, Lord! Hallelujah!

Romans 1:16-17

Welcome again, friends and brothers and sisters in the LORD! I come to you today with my spirit anew! My dear friends, today I was in the pit of hopelessness because I felt my best friend, Toccoa, was unreachable. All day I had tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. I felt absolutely hopeless and powerless, that there was no point in trying anymore because I've given her my testimony and the SPIRIT has spoken through me many a time to her, but still she is uncertain and unbelieving. I felt that there was nothing left for her. I carried on my day, gradually getting worse then better. By the end of the day, I had my strength beginning to return from my sorrow. Well, I came home and I still felt a little numb about the whole ordeal, but just about 3o minutes ago, I was doing homework and listening to Chris Tomlin's "I Will Rise" ...it should show up right here Well, at the end, I just poured out all I was worried about to HIM and suddenly I felt HIM holding me. I knew HE was there right with me, and as I was speaking, I felt the SPIRIT come over me. After I prayed, my spirit and soul and body were all renewed and replenished. A burden was lifted from me, and I know that GOD WILL NOT let sweet Toccoa fall! I know HE is holding her as HE holds my own heart. There IS STILL HOPE for her yet, as well as all who are without HIM. To any who are reading this, if you feel the SPIRIT of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY right now as I do, Hallelujah, then please look at my post that I sent right before this one. It has a prayer on it to accept the LORD JESUS as your personal SAVIOR. The post I believe is called 'MIRACLE AT MT. JULIET CHURCH OF CHRIST' I repeat unto you, THERE IS HOPE FOR YOU AND FOR ALL! Any who want to believe, let him believe! For any who have ears to hear, let him hear!

A verse that I now call my Anthem: "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from fist to last,( or from faith to faith ) just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." ROMANS 1:16-17 NIV

let this be also an anthem for you as you go into the world and tell it of the UNFAILING LOVE that awaits them! :)
Also, Psalms 27:1 : "The LORD is my light and my salvation - whom then shall I fear? The LORD is my stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid of? :)

Matthew 28:19 Therefore, GO! and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the son, and the Holy spirit! and surely, I am with you, even to the end of the age!

May Love and peace be with you all tonight.
Greater things ARE yet to come, and GREATER things ARE STILL TO BE DONE HERE! Don't EVER forget that!

To The Ones Who Doubt

Guys, I have writers block right now, and I have tried to do this post like 5 times by now, and none are to my liking, so I'm just gonna post some music on here, and I want to hear some feedback from you all, and tell me what you think of them! NONE are mine, I just found them on Youtube, but I sing them all the time (with my glass- breakingly "beautiful" voice) but I just can't think of anything to write! lol so listen, think about the songs! REALLY listen to the lyrics, and remember, this is GOD they talk about! the one who is sitting on the throne in Heaven, looking down in love and sorrow that the ones he made his SON die for are straying away from him and turning their backs. :( how sad! but just remember, EVEN if you are one of the many that do so, if you want him, all you have to do is ask HIM to come into your life, and he will offer you salvation! :) His love amazes me! <3

this last song is called OUR GOD by the wonderful singer, Chris Tomlin! This song really gets me! it praises God Almighty, Gives Him glory, tells everyone else that OUR GOD is the BEST and then it tells us the if GOD is FOR US, then WHAT could EVER stop us? I love this song! Praise, Hope, and Strength
all in one package! :) enjoy!!

365 days of Christ's Love in my Life

Well, guys, today, June 2 2010, is my one year anniversary of my decision to follow Christ! I have had a good day, even though I sorta forgot that it was today till I was halfway through church at like 7pm...lol but I still had a pretty good day. I went shopping at Wally world and my mom got me a cross necklace, so now I have all 3 crosses! one silver dog-tag cross, one wooden cross on a wristband of leather string, and now a long skinny cross on a leather string! its really cool! I know you all probably don't care, but I do, so I thought I'd share! lol well, to any who reads this short little thing I jotted down, I'd really like to hear from you! What's your story? How did you come to know Christ? Do you know Him at all? Do you even know who he is? Do you have questions or opinions? feel free to share because I like to see people's thoughts! lol so whoever reads, tell me your thoughts!

Well, I'm sorry this one is so short, but it's like 11:00pm now, and my parents will kill me! So to all, have a great night, and Keep strong in the Lord Jesus Christ! Remember that NO MATTER what you've done, who you know, what has happened to you, what your thoughts are, where you are, if you are willing to reach for Him truly, He will come to your aid also! He pulled me out of the pit of misery, and he can do the same for you, NO MATTER who you are! If you think he wont take you back, think again! He died for every single one of us, even the lowliest of the low! he died for you, Sir or Ma'am who is reading this! I dont say this just to make a point! S0omeone will read this who is broken inside, and if you truly want Jesus to help you through whatever you are going through, call to him and believe, and He will help you, and even if it is not the way you expected, he will help you! He loves everyone, even the ones who have not believed him. "For all have fallen short of the glory of God. There is NONE righteous, not even one!" <- Romans 3:10 but even so, He still loved YOU, yes YOU who is reading this! GOD OF THE UNIVERSE AND ALL loved YOU sooo much that even tough you turned from him at some points in your life, even at this very moment, he still came down and put skin on to die on a cross, beaten and bruised, spit upon and cursed, so that YOU could one day see him in Heaven! He did it for you, he did it for me! I am just as good or bad as anyone else, I myself am NOT even close to being perfect, but that is okay, because God made a way! The cross and the blood that Jesus poured out was the only way to bring us home. Let's pray.

Lord Jesus, thank you for all you have done for us, and thank you for everyone who is reading this right now. Thank you for all your blessings and even the bad things that happen, because they make us look to you for help.. They may be hard, but we draw nearer to you every time something comes up. LORD, thank you for paying the ultimate price for me, a sinner, who was condemned unclean. Thank you Lord for this year you have given me to walk with you, and I ask that you continue to help me as I learn from your word and teach the people. LORD, to the one who is reading, man or woman, child or adult, black or white, Islam or Bhuddist, let them know the great love and forgiveness that you offer and hold out for them every day. Open up this person's eyes, lord, whoever this person is reading, open up their eyes to see and open their heart to believe. Thank you Lord for all you have done. I give you all the praise and glory, in your name, Amen.

have a good night and Lord bless you all! :)

Miracle at Mount Juliet Church 2/7/10

Hello, guys! Okay, I have some incredible news for you all today, and it's just amazing! I was talking to my best friend, Butterscotch at around 3:30pm, and we were just being silly. I was all sad because of some stuff that has been going on lately, and we started talking about church ans having a sleepover next weekend. I told her I'd like to get together on Friday night because I wanted to go to my own church next week. Well, I told her all about my Transitional pastor and about how great he was as a pastor, and then when I was done, she told me that something wonderful had happened at her church.
Her Aunt Jackie was dying of a blood clot and was going to die today. But, during church, Butterscotch's Nanna went up to the altar to pray for Jackie. See, there was a huge group of people surrounding the altar and the pastor, and Nanna was at the very end of the group. She waited there, praying for Jackie, and then, the pastor, without hearing her, pushed through the crowd and came up to her. He awoke her from her prayer and told Nanna that Jackie was healed. Nana didn't know what to think of that because for starters, the pastor had never met Jackie because she lived in California. Nanna, shocked, asked him what he had said. He told her again that Jackie was healed. After church, Nanna went home and phoned Jackie. They were both so excited and fought over who could talk first. Nanna told Jackie that she prayed for her today at the altar. Jackie, after Nanna was done, told her that she was feeling very ill, but all of a sudden, she was healed! They were both so excited and they praised the Lord.
Now everyone, that is a miracle! The pastor had no idea who Jackie was! That was Jesus Christ speaking through him! How amazing is that? Jesus heals! He is the true Messiah! God is the only true God! Hallelujah, Jesus for saving a life!
Now, I have a prayer for all who see this. I don't know anyone really on here, but I do know that there will be people who look at this story of a true miracle and think to themselves, "Who is this Jesus Christ that this girl speaks about?" and many of those same people may ask themselves, "Is this true?" and maybe, "I need Jesus, but who do I ask and how do I get him?" I asked the same questions. I feel that the Holy Spirit draws people to God in various and mysterious ways. So if you are one of the people who want Christ to come into your life but don't know how to make it happen, read this prayer with me and believe.

"Oh Father in Heaven, so many times I have failed you. So many times I have shut the door on you. But Lord, I believe that you have sent you righteous and Holy son to take my burdens and flaws away. Through your son, Jesus Christ, I am washed White as snow. Lord, I pray that you forgive me again for going so long without taking your offering, your ransom. Father, I believe in your sacrifice and I know that you sent your son to pay for my sins. Lord, come into my heart to dwell and fill me with your Holy spirit. Come in my heart to stay, and change me into the person you have designed me to be. I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen."