Hello, all. I am Taigapakkunari4ev. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I have centered my life around my faith. I find joy sharing His word with others, so once I figure out how to post things up here, I will do so.

The path of Christ is a difficult journey that will change you forever.

Are you up for the trek?

Out From The Clutches of Death

Hello again, friends! It's been a while since I last posted! lol. The last post I put up was during Summer Break. Sadly, Summer is over...I've been back in school for about 4 weeks now. I am starting 5 this week! yay...lol. Well, last week something amazing happened that I have never experienced before! I am in the 8th grade now, and I have all sorts of teachers for my classes. Well, everyone in the school knows that I am a Christian and they just go along with it, and all of my teachers know I am a believer because all that I do in my work comes back to Jesus somehow. The way they all know that I believe is because I write and tell about him indirectly, so I have never just come up to a teacher and said: "Hey, I like Jesus. Do you?" Y'know? But, I recently prayed to Jesus for him to take me out of my comfort zone and to use this year as ministry, and I was scared to death because I knew he was going to do it, but this is something I have to do. So anyways, my math teacher, Ms.Christopher, was out all week. not the week that just happened, but the week before...Aug.23-27. I asked the substitute where she was, and she told the class that her mom was in the hospital and shew was going to see her every day. I was worried. So, that week, I prayed over her mom at home and during class to myself. Over that weekend, the thought still rang in my mind that her mom may be dying. I had a random thought that maybe it was cancer. On monday, I was hoping to talk to Ms. Christopher once everyone was dismissed (since obviously, she was back at school) but I chickened out. The next day, I believe God gave me strength to do this, but once all the kids were gone, I went over to her and asked how her mom was. She was dying with some stomach cancer and the Chemo-therapy was not helping her. She was even on a breathing machine. I was sad, but I was kind of shocked that she actually had cancer like the random though I had the weekend before. So, there was a moment of silence, and I was thinking in my head how I was going to go about this. She didn't know I was a believer yet, and I didn't know where her faith was. But, God gave me courage to ask her anyways. "Ms. Christopher, I don't know where you lie in faith, but I feel like we need to pray over your mom." she let me pray with her that day, and we prayed that her mom would be healed in the name of Jesus, and I prayed that whatever happened, that she and her mom be shown the glory and mercy of God. Well, we finished and I went home. I continued to pray for her mom that night. I went to school the next day and I had in my mind, "I don't care if Ms. Christopher tells me anything, her mom is being healed." I had that mindset in me all that day. She said nothing about her mom all day Tuesday. Wednesday came along and I no longer prayed for her healing, but I told myself that she WAS healed! No other option. She WAS healed. When I came to math class that day, I had that in my mind that she WAS heal;ed. When they called car riders, I was getting ready to leave when Ms. Christopher came to my desk and told me something that struck me speechless: "My mom took a turn for the better." I just looked at her and said: "Praise God!" I was near tears, but that was the most amazing moment of my life! She IS healed, and they WERE shown the Glory of God that day! Hallelujah, Lord! Hallelujah!
