Well, guys, today, June 2 2010, is my one year anniversary of my decision to follow Christ! I have had a good day, even though I sorta forgot that it was today till I was halfway through church at like 7pm...lol but I still had a pretty good day. I went shopping at Wally world and my mom got me a cross necklace, so now I have all 3 crosses! one silver dog-tag cross, one wooden cross on a wristband of leather string, and now a long skinny cross on a leather string! its really cool! I know you all probably don't care, but I do, so I thought I'd share! lol well, to any who reads this short little thing I jotted down, I'd really like to hear from you! What's your story? How did you come to know Christ? Do you know Him at all? Do you even know who he is? Do you have questions or opinions? feel free to share because I like to see people's thoughts! lol so whoever reads, tell me your thoughts!
Well, I'm sorry this one is so short, but it's like 11:00pm now, and my parents will kill me! So to all, have a great night, and Keep strong in the Lord Jesus Christ! Remember that NO MATTER what you've done, who you know, what has happened to you, what your thoughts are, where you are, if you are willing to reach for Him truly, He will come to your aid also! He pulled me out of the pit of misery, and he can do the same for you, NO MATTER who you are! If you think he wont take you back, think again! He died for every single one of us, even the lowliest of the low! he died for you, Sir or Ma'am who is reading this! I dont say this just to make a point! S0omeone will read this who is broken inside, and if you truly want Jesus to help you through whatever you are going through, call to him and believe, and He will help you, and even if it is not the way you expected, he will help you! He loves everyone, even the ones who have not believed him. "For all have fallen short of the glory of God. There is NONE righteous, not even one!" <- Romans 3:10 but even so, He still loved YOU, yes YOU who is reading this! GOD OF THE UNIVERSE AND ALL loved YOU sooo much that even tough you turned from him at some points in your life, even at this very moment, he still came down and put skin on to die on a cross, beaten and bruised, spit upon and cursed, so that YOU could one day see him in Heaven! He did it for you, he did it for me! I am just as good or bad as anyone else, I myself am NOT even close to being perfect, but that is okay, because God made a way! The cross and the blood that Jesus poured out was the only way to bring us home. Let's pray.
Lord Jesus, thank you for all you have done for us, and thank you for everyone who is reading this right now. Thank you for all your blessings and even the bad things that happen, because they make us look to you for help.. They may be hard, but we draw nearer to you every time something comes up. LORD, thank you for paying the ultimate price for me, a sinner, who was condemned unclean. Thank you Lord for this year you have given me to walk with you, and I ask that you continue to help me as I learn from your word and teach the people. LORD, to the one who is reading, man or woman, child or adult, black or white, Islam or Bhuddist, let them know the great love and forgiveness that you offer and hold out for them every day. Open up this person's eyes, lord, whoever this person is reading, open up their eyes to see and open their heart to believe. Thank you Lord for all you have done. I give you all the praise and glory, in your name, Amen.
have a good night and Lord bless you all! :)
Well, today is January 2, 2010! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!
With this new decade brings us a renewed presence of getting a new start on life, whether it be losing weight, starting new with someone, or better yet, accepting Jesus Christ!
My friends, with this new year, we also face new responsibility, as we do with every day. There are still so many people- family, friends, loved ones- who still are missing out on the journey of a lifetime: the opportunity to get to know the maker of Heaven and Earth.
I believe it is our responsibility ac Christians and strong standers in our faith
to make sure that the people around us know the LORD Savior, Jesus Christ.
I will be making a prayer focus list. I will post it up for people to see who needs to be lifted up to the LORD in Heaven. I also have one just for me to look at in person if you are uncomfortable having the person's name up in public. Just PM me and tell me the person's name, and whether or not you want it posted public. Oh, and when you post the person's name, I don't mind you giving me last name if that is what you usually do, but I will only post first name and last initial on my post. Now, just for the people who are skeptical about my idea, this is just a reminder of all the people out there who need Jesus tonight, and to give some of us Christians a reality check. Just PM me if you have any questions, and tell me how your New Year's celebration went! :) HAPPY NEW YEAR, and may God bless you all!