Hello, all. I am Taigapakkunari4ev. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I have centered my life around my faith. I find joy sharing His word with others, so once I figure out how to post things up here, I will do so.

The path of Christ is a difficult journey that will change you forever.

Are you up for the trek?

To The Ones Who Doubt

Guys, I have writers block right now, and I have tried to do this post like 5 times by now, and none are to my liking, so I'm just gonna post some music on here, and I want to hear some feedback from you all, and tell me what you think of them! NONE are mine, I just found them on Youtube, but I sing them all the time (with my glass- breakingly "beautiful" voice) but I just can't think of anything to write! lol so listen, think about the songs! REALLY listen to the lyrics, and remember, this is GOD they talk about! the one who is sitting on the throne in Heaven, looking down in love and sorrow that the ones he made his SON die for are straying away from him and turning their backs. :( how sad! but just remember, EVEN if you are one of the many that do so, if you want him, all you have to do is ask HIM to come into your life, and he will offer you salvation! :) His love amazes me! <3

this last song is called OUR GOD by the wonderful singer, Chris Tomlin! This song really gets me! it praises God Almighty, Gives Him glory, tells everyone else that OUR GOD is the BEST and then it tells us the if GOD is FOR US, then WHAT could EVER stop us? I love this song! Praise, Hope, and Strength
all in one package! :) enjoy!!
