The Laid Back Archer

Selecetive Memory
Lloyd: So Mwar, you decided to join our group. (smirking)
Moir: It's Moir, but that's no big deal. (sighing) Yes, I thought you guys could use the help. (normal)
Lloyd: We didn't NEED it but we could sure use it, yes. (smiling)
Manda: Um, hey Moir. (embarrassed)
Moir: Oh, Hel...(normal) Oh! (shocked) Um... hey... (embarrassed)
Iggy: Oh! Poster Boy is here! (catface)
Moir: P-poster Boy? (confused)
Iggy: Iggy must tell you about our amazing battle strategies. (catface) Ignore them and Iggy will hurt you. (angry)
Lloyd: Basically fight until there's an inch of your life no matter how strong the enemy is. (sighing)
Moir: Wait, what? (shocked)
Iggy: *smack* Only Iggy can discuss our awesome plan of awesomeness! (angry)
Lloyd: Right... (hurt)
Bina: Hey the guy who had the wild night with Manda is here! (cheery)
Moir + Manda: What?! (shocked)
M: Moir, do you even remember seeing Manda? (smirking)
Moir: What? (shocked) Uh... no can't say I do... (embarrassed)
Manda: What? But that night we shared. (sad)
Moir: Well you know, being someone that goes around the world a lot I spend many nights with different women. (shy laughter)
Manda: Oh... I see. (looking to the side)
Lloyd: I don't know what you guys did, but that was cold, Moir. (normal)
M: And I thought I was the only one that would stoop that low. (smirking)
Toshi: So cold... (normal)
Bina: You said it, brother! (on Toshi's back)
Iggy: You were mean to Mamma! *smack* (angry)
Manda: You really don't remember me. (sad)
Moir: Can't say I do. (shy laughter)
Manda: Right... (looking to the side)
Moir: ... I'm sorry I lied to you Manda, but our love just can't grow. It's too dangerous for you. (sighing)
Lloyd: Quit mumbling back there and get a move on! (angry)
Moir: Sorry! (shocked)

Iggy: That bow looks pretty weak. (head tilted) Iggy doesn't think it'd hurt someone if you smacked them with it. (catface)
Moir: That's because it's not made for smacking, I use it to shoot arrows. (normal)
Iggy: Arrows? Those things you have in that case? (head tilted) They won't hurt anyone if you smacked someone with it either. (hmph)
Lloyd: No but hit them in the right place and it'll do some pretty good damage. (smirking)
Moir: Exactly. (normal) You seem to know a bit about archery, Lloyd. (head tilted)
Lloyd: I had an interest in it once. (normal)
Moir: Oh really? (head tilted) What made you stop? (normal)
Lloyd: It was way too hard for me... (sighing)
Moir: Well I could give you a few pointers if you'd like. (head tilted)
Lloyd: Nah, I'm happy swinging my lance around. (cheery)
Iggy: That's why Iggy likes having Lloyd in Iggy's group! He likes to smack things too. (catface)
Lloyd: Wow... thanks Iggy... (shocked) I think... (confused)
Bina: I like to smack things too! (cheery) So do I. (on Toshi's back controlling his mouth)
M: I just summon things to smash others for me. (smirking)
Iggy: Lame! (hmph)
M: ... (hurt)
Manda: I'd much rather not smash things... (sighing)
Iggy: That's OK Mamma. You can be a wuss if you want, we need someone for healing anyway. (catface)
Manda: Gee thanks Iggy... (sighing)
Moir: Well you guys sure have some strategy... (shocked)
M: Tell me about it... (sighing)

Moir Money
Lloyd: Is it just me or are we getting a lot more money than we used to? (shocked)
Manda: That's true. (normal) You think it has something to do with Moir? (head tilted)
M: Of course it does. He has to be a criminal for some reason. (smirking)
Bina: I don't care where our money is from. Just so long as I can buy new axes for smashing things. (cheery)
Toshi: I could use swords as well... (normal)
Iggy: Iggy must readjust our spending plan to make up for this change. (angry)
Lloyd: Wait we had a spending plan? (shocked) I thought we just spent everything we had. (sighing)
Iggy: *smack* (angry)
Moir: What're you guys talking about? (normal)
Lloyd: Our money has surprisingly been going up. (normal)
Moir: Oh that. You guys need to learn how to scavange more when you win a battle. (normal)
Lloyd: What? How much money could monsters have? (shocked)
Moir: A lot if you actually look for it. (normal)
Manda: Hold on, we are not earning that much more from battles. We are definitely getting money from somewhere else. (thinking)
Moir: Oh well... you see... (embarrassed)
Manda: Spit it out. (angry)
M: Woah, someones cranky. (smirking)
Iggy: *smack* Don't be mean to Mamma! (angry)
M: ... sorry. (hurt)
Manda: I said spit it out! (angry)
Moir: Alright! (scared) Some shop keepers sell their products way too high so I just steal back the difference. (normal)
Lloyd: That's somewhat honourable I guess. (shocked)
Toshi: The people might want the money back though... (normal)
Bina: I agree! (cheery)
Moir: I will once we're done with it. I expect 75% back from you Lloyd. (normal)
Lloyd: Huh? Yeah sure. (normal)
M: Wow only 75%. (smirking)
Manda: Yeah well, you're still a jerk! (angry)
Lloyd: Wow, I have never seen Manda so angry. (shocked)
Iggy: *smack* this is your fault! (angry)
Moir: I'm sorry... (hurt)
Iggy: Not forgiven! (hmph)
Moir: Heh. People don't think of the good only the bad. (sighing) Oh well... (normal)
Lloyd: Do you have imaginary friends or something? Hurry up! (angry)
Moir: Right! (shocked)
